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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Minolta X700 Shutter Curtain

Has anyone ever had a problem with the x-700 shutter curtain not opening? If so, is it hard to repair?

Have had the camera for 18 years with no problems ever. All batteries are fresh and everything else is working fine. Was shooting at a horse show on a very windy day... first roll came out fine, second roll came out unexposed....thought maybe it just didn't get loaded correctly. Used the camera again yesterday and two more rolls of unexposed film came out.

Anyone have any suggestions???

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April 23, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
There are two black cloth curtains that your camera uses as a shutter system. You may want to check to be sure they both are on track. One may have become angled and is jamming the other curtain. You can spot this problem easily. Look, first through the film door, then through the front by carefully lifting the mirror. If one of the curtains is off track, you will see the metal rod at the end of the curtain angled in the frame. Look also for wrinkles in the two curtains. they should be straight and tight. If everything looks okay, take your camera to a repair shop. In either case, I would suggest having your camera serviced.If there are major problems, email me. I may have an extra body.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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April 23, 2006


Christopher A. Walrath
  I have three XG-M's and there are not many folks around that work on these any more, but I concur with above. Three blank rolls in a roll is not a good sign.

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April 25, 2006

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