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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Printing photo greeting cards for resale

I am looking to create a sell photo greeting cards.
I am a Landscape photographer and want to show the photo in classy way. Any suggestions on an online company to use. I want a quality card at a competitive price.

Thank you,
Tamara Hildahl

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February 28, 2006


Michael H. Cothran
  I sell a line of note/greeting cards at juried Arts & Crafts Shows. I can speak with a little authority.
The only way to maintain a "competitive price" is to print your own inhouse. This means setting up a template in PS or some other software, doing your own printing, scoring, folding, and packaging. My cost per packaged card with matching envelope is about 25-30 cents.
The problem with online labs is that they normally have minimums, and you may end up with a box full of an image that is a dud, and does not sell. This can waste valuable financial funds.
There is a great company which specializes in note cards called The Photographers Edge. Do a google on them. They sell you the note card stock in a variety of colors and forms. You insert your 3.5 x 5 or 4x6 print, and you're finished.
Next to doing it all yourself, I believe The Photographers Edge is the way to go. If you cannot do any of the work yourself, then find an online lab that has prices AND minimums you can live with.
Michael H. Cothran

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March 01, 2006

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