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Photography Question 

Peter Koriath

Using old lenses for new(er) camera

I used to use a Minolta XG1. I had various lenses and filters for it.

I have just purchased a used Nikon F601 which came with a Telephoto lens.

I would like to use my old Minolta lenses for the Nikon. Is there an adaptor ring for it?

I know I will lose the AF but is it worth it?

I used to use a Busnell 28mm for a Practica with an adaptor ring for My Minolta. I would also like to use it on my Nikon.

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January 27, 2006


Jon Close
  There are relatively inexpensive adapters for mounting M42 screw-mount lenses (like those for Practica and Pentax) to Nikon bodies. Even so, when used on the Nikon body some of these lenses cannot focus to infinity as the Nikon mount flange is a bit farther from the film plane than the M42 lenses were designed for.

There are none that I know of for adapting Minolta (or Canon or Pentax K or Olympus...) lenses to Nikon cameras. Besides the longer flange to film plane distance of the Nikon bodies, the Nikon mount is smaller diameter than the other makers' mounts. This makes it even more difficult to make an adapter.

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January 28, 2006


Peter Koriath
  Thank you for your response.

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January 28, 2006

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