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Photography Question 

Penny L. Rickert

Kenko 420-800 zoom lens

Does anyone use the Kenko Vari 8000s
420-800 mm F/8.3-16 Telephoto Zoom Lens
and if there is what is your opinion of it?

Penny Rickert

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January 27, 2006


Jon Close
Also mentioned in the Kenko 420-800 link in that thread are single focal length 500 f/8 fixed aperture lenses (like this one from Opteka, and similar from Kenko and others) that are a bit sturdier and a little better optically since they aren't compromised by the "zoom" function.

Also found this on another less than $500 alternative. Very sharp 500mm f/5.6 lens with adjustable aperture. But it's a bit harder to find and is kind of a monster (~5.5-7 kg or 12-15 lbs) since it is a long discontinued lens for medium format.

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January 28, 2006

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