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Photography Question 

Robert L. Michaud

Minolta Auto Meter IV F

my minolta lightmeter is off 3 fstops on flash setting. I heard this is common. is there a ajustment I can do or do I need it repaired. if so were is good repair place and average cost? thanks rob

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December 30, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Nope. This is not common, insofar as I've ever heard or experienced with my own IV F. I'm assuming you changed the battery, yes?

If I were you, I'd send it to Konica/Minolta for a clean lube and adjustment. Not a local camera store.

Konica Minolta Photo Imaging U.S.A., Inc. 725 Darlington Avenue
Mahwah, NJ 07430
Phone 800.285.6422
Toll-free 888.473.2656
Fax 201.574.4201

Last time mine went in about a year (and I send my meters in every two years for cleaning, lube and adjusting) it cost about 70 bucks. Call them first, talk to a tech and send it in.

Take it...errrr "light"

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January 01, 2006

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