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Photography Question 

Chris Macer

Canon 430EX and DOF preview

I recently purchased a Canon 430EX speedlite to use with my 350D/XT. Everything seems to be working fine except when I press the DOF preview button while the flash is turned on. Instead of stopping down to the selected aperture, the flash fires a succesion of very rapid pulses over about 1sec or so.

Has anyone experienced this before? I'm new to working with speedlites but I read the manuals and searched the net but I can't find any info on this. I appreciate anyone who can offer some advice! Thanks


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December 16, 2005


Jon Close
  Not a bug, it's a feature!

Pressing the DoF preview button activates the Modeling light, so that the effective lighting and shadows can be previewed. The aperture should also stop down at the same time.

I don't have the manual for the 430EX, but on the 550EX and 580EX the Modeling Flash can be disabled with C.Fn-06 set to 1. On the 420EX the Modeling Flash only works with the speedlight set to "SLAVE" and is disabled when that switch it "OFF".

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December 16, 2005


Chris Macer
  Cheers, Jon! Your spot on as always :)

I didn't realize that this was the "modelling flash" when I read about the custom functions features. I looked up modelling flash in the manual and it was strangley hidden in the wireless flash section. Oh well! All sorted out now! Thanks again for your help.

BTW...FYI - on the 430EX it is C.Fn-05 set to 1 to disable it.

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December 16, 2005

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