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Photography Question 

Jagadeesh Andrew Owens

Manual Settings Not Matching Presets

Hi all. I have a beginner camera, a Kodak z740, but it does have manual settings, which I wanted. I've been playing around with the aperture, exposure, light compensation, shutter speed, and ISO speed. I love to do close ups and macros (as close as I can get to a "macro" with it), and I've run into a problem. There is a "Close-Up" preset as well as a "Text" setting on my camera, which allows you to get right up on your subject. When you're focusing, it will tell you the aperture and shutter speed of the setting. My problem is with the light (exposure?) compensation of these settings. It either tints the shot blue or green. So, I go to my manual settings mode and enter in the same aperture and shutter speed as the 'text' and 'close-up' settings, and the camera will not focus on the subject. The camera has no problem focusing when it is in the preset mode, but won't do it at the same settings (except for the light compensation) in manual mode. I don't move the camera, tripod, lighting, or subject when I change the settings, so I don't know why it won't focus. Any ideas???

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December 14, 2005


Jon Close
  The normal focus range for the Z740 is limited to 24 in. to infinity in wide angle, and 6.6 ft. to infinity in telephoto. The lens will only move to its closest focusing settings (4.7 in. to 27.6 in. wide; 3.9 ft. to 6.9 ft. in tele) when you set CLOSE-UP on the camera. That is just the way the camera and lens are configured.

The blue or green tint, if it is over the entire image, would seem to be a white balance problem. Try adjusting the white balance on the camera, or the images can be corrected with post-processing (editing on the computer). If the blue or green is only a halo at the edge of objects in the image, it is likely chromatic aberration - a lens/sensor fault that is most apparent at extreme macro or with backlit subjects.

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December 14, 2005


Jagadeesh Andrew Owens
  Thanks for your reply. That's just dumb that they configured it that way... I don't know if I can adjust the white balance while in preset mode, I'll check when I get home tonight. Thanks again!

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December 14, 2005

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