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Photography Question 

Liz M. Jensen

Still stuck on what kind of camera to buy

as I will be buying my camera by the end of the year..

I am stuck between two cameras

the Nikon N75 and the Canon Rebel T2

any ideas on which one is best?

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December 05, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Well Liz, this is essentially like asking which car to buy. Canon and Nikon make very good equipment but which one you end up with should be a personal decision that you make primarily based on your own hands-on use of the camera, compare features, how you plan to use it, available accessories and lenses, how it feels especially in terms of where controls are located, etc., etc.

You can also check out Consumer Reports and online product reviews rating cameras on things like reliability, serviceability, and product support.

You can also find many dealers that will rent you the equipment you intend to buy so you can take it for a test drive, errrr, so-to-speak.
Take it light.

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December 05, 2005


Will Turner
  IMHO, neither. With the secondhand 35mm market so inexpensive these days, I think you're better off buying lightly used in a higher-level SLR camera and getting better internals. Nikon, most bodies above N75 tend to have fewer complaints N80, N8008s, N90s, F100. In Canon, EOS-3 or above, the made-in-Japan models seem to have fewer problems.

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December 05, 2005

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