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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Tripod Ball Heads - does price mean quality?

I am looking to replace the ball head on my carbon fiber tripod. I am looking at Really Right Stuff, Acratech Ultimate, and Giottos. The prices range from $55 for the Giottos m7001 to around $300 for the Acratech. Will I get that much better performance from the more expensive ones? I can't find any reviews on the Giottos, but I have seen it and it looks substantial to me. I'm confused!

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November 30, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  Yes You Will Bob!I Own A RRS BH55 Its Worth Every Penny Of The $455.00 That I Paid For It,After Going With Cheaper Units In The Past And Replacing Them For One Reason Or Another This One Fits My Needs Really Well!!

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November 30, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Usually with photo stuff that's holds tight, but dosen't mean everything. Seen comments about a 50mm lens under $100 that's known for being very good. The Acratech can be very good, but it does sound way over at $300. You can look at reputable company's versions that are made to support the same weight, like bogen, and see what they sell for.
But you already have a carbon fiber tripod, so if your willing to spend for that, go the extra for the ball head if it's know to be good.

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November 30, 2005


robert G. Fately
  Bob, there really is a difference between ball heads - Acratech has gotten a great reputation, and RRS makes excellent equipment. The only other ball head I would put in this league is Arca-Swiss' B1, which is also about $400.

Lesser units simply don't have the holding power - if you position the camera/lens at a tilt and tighten, there is a noticeable droop when you release the camera. For macro or long telephoto work, this is a real pain.

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November 30, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  C.N.C. machined, I see why the price is higher.

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December 01, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  Greg -

I agree with most of your responses. But, I have trouble reading them because of the fonts and colors you're using. Please pick one that is dark [deep red, blue or black]and stick with it. You're opines are too good to miss and the yellow and green sucks.

Oh, by the way, how do you insert your fonts? I can't seen to find the method.

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December 21, 2005

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