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Julio C. Puello

Technical problems with Digital SLr

I have a Nikon D70, purchased on April 2004. My first digital camera. On December I sent it to be repaired because, suddenly stop working. Was under warranty. This Saturday Nov 5, 2005, the light meter of the camera got crazy, so I will have to send it to be repaired. All this in less than 2 years. I am very delicate with my equipment. If this was the camera of the year 2004. How frequently this kind of cameras have to be repaired, is this normal with all the other brands.

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November 08, 2005


Stan Lubach
  I believe this was a defect with some D70's manufactured before a certain date. This and another defect that became colloquially known as the "Blinking Green Light of Death", or "BGLOD", where the green flash memory light would blink but the unit never came up. Nikon acknowledged the problems and made repairs ( some even out of warranty ). Nikon has addressed the defects in later production runs. There's a lot of talk about this on the site. If anyone notices if I got any of this story wrong, please feel free to correct me.

All brands occasionally run into engineering and production problems. The mark of a good company is how they treat their customers in those cases.

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November 08, 2005


Will Turner
  "Is this normal with all the other brands"

Well, it's certainly not normal for those of us used to the quality of Nikon's 35mm mid- or upper-level film SLRs produced during the last 10 years -F3, F4, F5, FM3a, FM2n, N90s, F100, etc, etc. Certainly, not MAIN CIRCUIT BOARD FAILURE, which is what 'BGLOD' really stands for.

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November 08, 2005


Samuel Smith
  oh crap

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November 08, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  The more features and electronic functions you have in any piece of equipment,...the better your chances for something to go awry.
I agree with Stan that how the company reacts to technical defects is most important. Nikon is pretty good in this regard...(but their turn-around time leaves something to be desired.)

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November 09, 2005


Jon Close
  Link to Nikon's Service Advisory:

Re the D70:
"It has come to our attention that select electrical components in a limited number of D70 cameras may, in some instances, fail affecting camera performance and/or operability.

"While only a limited number of D70 cameras are affected by this advisory, if (1) when a memory card is inserted, your D70's memory card access lamp blinks, locking camera operations and preventing operation, or (2) with no memory card inserted, the camera will not turn on despite the battery indicator showing a fully charged battery, Nikon Inc. will service it free of charge.

"To obtain complimentary service for cameras affected by this advisory, please click the link below to download and print the Service Return Form. The Service Return Form provides return instructions.

"The Frequently Asked Questions button at the bottom of this page offers more information about this advisory and, should you have more questions, also provides information about how to contact Nikon.

"We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience."

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November 09, 2005


George Anderson
  This has been discussed extensively on and, if you want more information from others that have experienced problems. The D70 has been reported to suffer from more than one malfunction issue. As Will said, one cause of failure is the PCB board on earlier D70s. The light meter FPC and the DC-DC converter seem to be the two common causes of BGLOD.

While this malfunctioning is particular to the D70, I have also noticed other recent multiple repair complaints on DSLRs from Canon and Minolta, so I doubt changing brands could guarantee trouble-free service.

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November 09, 2005


Julio C. Puello
  Thank you all for your feedback and comments. I am just sad, because I have a fashion show for November 20 and a 15th. Birthday party for Nov. the 26, by that time I do not think will have available a Digital Camera, which I do not trust anymore for wedding events, thanks God I have always had the good habit to take my film camera(N90's) with me as a second camera.
As a Nikon fan it will not change my overall opinion of Nikon products. I will wait for the D200. Thank you very much again

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November 09, 2005


Samuel Smith
  very well said julio.i'm glad you have a backup.

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November 10, 2005

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