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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


I would like to know how to get better photo out of my carma I have a
olympus digital camra and I would like beter photos out of it.

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November 06, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  Since you've asked this question in the traditional [film] side of the ledger, the answer is obvious -USE FILM.

You can't get better photos out of your camera because the camera doesn't care what it's pointed at. It's you, the photographer, who makes the difference.

Start by taking pictures close to home - no more than two blocks away! FIND something interesting, photogenic. Walk around it shooting from different angles, levels off the ground, at different time of the day, at varied exposures. Learn to use your camera creatively," no mechanically.

Read up on exposure [Bryan Peterson's book,] on composition [Tom Grimm's book,] - then try to emulate what's been described. Visit [join] a camera club; talk with long-time members. GO on field trips with members and LISTEN to what they say, WATCH what and how they shoot!

It takes a little work, but you can make it. Just remember, "it ain't the camera what makes the the pictures . . ."

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November 08, 2005

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