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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

jennifer tucker

model releases

I have read about the model releases and still want to clear up things a bit. I understand that if I am using the photos in a commercial venue, then you must have a release but not for "educational" uses. What about here on BetterPhoto? Do I need a release for posting photos into the contests or in classes? Thanks.

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November 03, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
When and when not to use a model release can become really nit-picky at times. In your cases, you may not need a release legally. You may not ever know for sure until you find yourself in court being sued.
My advise is to just use common sense and decency. If you're going to display an image of someone for all to see, the decent thing to do is to obtain their permission first, and the wise thing to do is to get it in writing.
Michael H. Cothran

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November 03, 2005

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