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Photography Question 

Angie M. Nemanic


I've just started doing more portrait work for which I'm getting paid. Wow!! Anyway, I'm trying to determine what is the best type of paper on which to print the final portrait. Is the paper used at my local camera store (which is awesome) good enough? I use them as my "lab." They do a lot of professional work, but I guess I never asked what type of paper they use. I hear people talking about archival paper, should I be using that??


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August 26, 2005


Diane L. Thomas
  Hi Angie, You may have already found out the type of paper to use for you Portrait printing. But if not, I find that using the papers for the printer you own is best. It has been geared to the prinerts out put. Make sure it is acid free, archival for at least 100 years. Orders over internet are good if you need special paper, like watercolor papers etc. I order all my papers from Epson Store. My printer is the Epson 2200.
Diane Thomas

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August 27, 2005


Angie M. Nemanic
  Thanks for the info Diane. That is good to know. Unfortunately at this time I still use film that's why I continue to go to the lab. I do get some of my better landscape slides digitize so I can work with them in photoshop. I am currently checking out a few of the Epson printers. But in the meantime, I was just wondering about papers from my "lab."


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August 27, 2005


Diane L. Thomas
  I'm sorry I thought you meant that you were printing your own.
When I send to the lab I use what they call E-Texture Finish. It is a satin look paper. This is at ProPhoto and I use for my digials. Here you can send photo's over the internet. ProPhoto work in all media's. Love both.
Let me know what you think. Diane Thomas

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August 27, 2005

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