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Irene Troy

Trouble with Sigma Lens

Last week, after my car was broken into and a couple of my lenses stolen, I replaced my long lens with a Sigma 50-500mm lens. This lens is proving to be something of a nightmare! It is very slow to focus in any situation - auto focus or manual. It also makes a lot of noise as it focuses. Just this morning I was attempting to photograph some otters and could not get the lens to focus in auto mode so I switched to manual and still had a great deal of trouble getting a good focus. All the time the internal motor was groaning along and eventually the otters grew tired of the noise and swam away without my getting even one decent image. I understand about "slow lenses" in terms of available shutter speed, but this is the first lens I've owned that has taken so long to focus. I had read some good things about this lens which is buy I bought it, but now I wondering if I made a big mistake. Does anyone know if this is normal for this lens? Is this a Sigma issue in general? I'd love to have a prime 600mm lens, but it just not going to happen money wise right now. My old lens, the one that was stolen, was a Tamron 200-500mm that was okay - very quiet and quick to focus, but the glass could have been better. I'm trying to figure out whether to send this lens back and replace it with another Tamron or what to do. Any input will be welcome. Thanks!

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August 24, 2005


Michelle Ross
  Hi Irene! I have two sigma lenses that came with my Maxxum 5 when I purchased it(NEW). When I was using film I never seemed to notice the slow focus issues much, but again these were the only two lenses I had. Then when I got my Maxxum 7D I needed a faster lens for a wedding I was going to do and purchased a Tamron 28-78 2.8. Although the zoom is not nearly comparable to yours I find that the focus ability is much greater with the tamron . .. when I try to use my 75-300 sigma on my digital it just is awful. I thought it was because I was using the polarizer and it was losing light because of it but it seems like even in the day time brightness it's s-l-o-w. so I'm guessing and owndering if it isn't just sigma. . . of course this is just my own speculation . . . my sigma lenses served their purpose. . . but I think Tamron has a definite edge over them.

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August 24, 2005

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