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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Jennifer S

The best photoshop course...

Hi! I'd really like to take some courses here at BP. This question is for my husband. He recently started getting very interested in photoshop. He takes a lot of the photos I take, (or he takes) and does stuff to them in PS. I know basics, but I have too much on my plate right now to learn more- not yet anyways! So anyways- to the point! My husband knows how to do basic things like color correction, healing, cloning, and quite a few other things he learned from tutorials. He wants to learn as much as he can about PS. Which PS course offered here would be the best for him? Thanks!!

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July 21, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for your interest in online courses at BetterPhoto™! Since your husband has a basic knowledge of Photoshop, here are some good possibilities, all taught by widely published photographer/authors:

- Jim Zuckerman's Creative Techniques in Photoshop
Jim Zuckerman's Photoshop II: Advanced Creative Techniques

Also, this series by Lewis Kemper:
- Photographer's Toolbox for Photoshop Toolbox #1: Exposure and Color Corrections
- Photographer's Toolbox for Photoshop Toolbox #2: Automation, Conversion, and Compositing
- Photographer's Toolbox for Photoshop Toolbox #3: Processing Raw Files, the Browser, Special Effects, and Other Fun Stuff

Again, Jennifer, thanks for your interest. Let me know if you have any further questions!

Best regards,

Kerry Drager

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July 21, 2005

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