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Photography Question 

Don Curry

Mid-range Nikkor zoom lens

I am looking for recommendations for a mid-range Nikkor AF zoom lens. I am using a Nikon N90S. The only AF lens I currently own is a Nikkor 75-300mm 4.5-5.6. I mostly work with nature shots. I need a lens below 75mm.It does not need to be a fast lens or a fast focusing lens. It also does not need to be a "D" type lens. I am looking for quality. I am an old coot so I don't mind the older Nikkors. Some of these have great glass. Just give me some options.


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July 15, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  Hi Don!I Use a Nikon Afs 28/70 2.8
It Might Be A Little Heavy For Most People But Does A Great Job:-)

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July 16, 2005

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