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Dawn Cagle

How to use macro on Tamron lens

I just purchased a Tamron 60-300 from KEH and I am trilled with the much better than the cheapy I bought on ebay! My only problem is I can't figure out how to get the macro setting, since I bought it used there I don't have a manual. If anyone knows how to work it or where I can get a manual I would really appreciate the help. Thanks!
Tamron SP Adaptall w/macro

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June 02, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Most of these older lenses work the same for their "macro" mode. There may be a button to push which will allow you to focus a bit closer, or the macro mode is simply available only on one end of the zooming range. I owned this lens perhaps 20 years ago, and it was a fine performer. I never used it as a macro lens, so I don't remember anything idiosyncratic about the macro mode. You could always call KEH. They're very helpful, and could possibly give you an accurate answer.
Michael H. Cothran

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June 02, 2005


Aneta Notestine
  Hi Dawn

It's been a while since you posted your question, and maybe you have already figured out how to switch to macro. In this case, disregard my reply.

Anyway, I have a Tamron 70-300 lens with a macro (I love it!) and there is a system to learn. I'll tell you how it works on my lens, and then adjust it to yours.

1. Zoom anywhere between 180-300mm (mine has a gold stripe there), then switch to macro (it only works in that range). You're in!

To go back to normal:

1. Set focus manually to anywhere farther than 4.9ft ft (beyond the gold stripe)and switch back to normal. That's it.

It's very simple, but I wouldn't have thought of that without a manual.

At a store where I was checking out this kind of lens the salesman tried to force the switch by literally putting the lens between his knees and struggling with the switch... Apparently he had never seen the manual - and I'm not buying any gear from there ; )

Aneta Notestine

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July 23, 2005

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