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BetterPhoto Member

Fill Flash using built-in D70 speedlight

Recently I found that I could not get the built-in speedlight of my D70 to fire, when trying to fill-flash a backlit subject outdoors. The camera was set on 200 ISO, Program mode, and matrix metering, Should I have used Manual mode instead? Hopefully, when I get a SB 600, I won't have the same problem.

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April 25, 2005


  I think it will only fill flash if the camera feels it needs it, I haven't worked it out fully either I have a Canon, but sometimes the flash fires sometimes it doesn't!

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April 25, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I am not familiar with your camera so I can't comment on the problem you are having with the fill-flash. I just want to suggest you stay away from the Program mode. Don't let the camera do all the thinking for you. Go creative and use Shutter Priority for moving objects and Aperature Priority (or Manual) for everything else.

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April 25, 2005


Michael Rasborn
  Hi. I love my D70, ever since Jan 2005. I think it's easier, super fast, more flexible when you need it...OK, it bigger. I still keep my tiny kodak 2MP auto...

OK. When you set it to Program mode, it's partially a manual mode where the camera will choose the best aperture/shutter, BUT the Flash will not fire automatically: you're in control... My dear wife, whom I bought it for Christmas, didn't realize; I forgot to mention it. So many photos were underexposed...or blurred. V. important to hold the camera rock steady in low light...tripods/monopods/elbow-on-gut.

So, simply: programs M,S,A,P - you can force a flash by pushing the flash button on the left side to the camera near the top...OK. this will flip up the flash !

the other 7 special programs will fire automatically, except for sport and night landscape, when you set the flash mode to auto or fill or red-eye etc...

Lost ? don't be. this is a very user-friendly camera, if you relax and practice a little. It's digital.

Have fun.

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June 20, 2005

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