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Photography Question 

David Miller

Why do the edges of my 645 negatives have points?

I recently purchased a Mamiya 645 Pro with a power winder and a 645 film back. It looks to be in excellent condition, works smooth, and produces good looking negs. The problem is that there a little points at the edge of each film frame. The points point up and down and probably wouldn't pose a problem unless I wanted to print a frame with a border in an oversized negative carrier. Any idea why this happens?Thanks in a advance for your answer.
ps. I have a thirty day (now 21 day) trial period.

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April 07, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  David - this is Mamiya's "signature," and is intentional. All their film backs do this, for 645 and 67. When one looks at a negative with these angled "points" in each corner, it identifies it as a "Mamiya" negative.

FYI- Hasselblad negatives also have a "signature." They have two extending "arrows" on the left side. Those knowledgeable can easily identify a Hasselblad and/or Mamiya negative or full frame print, by observing these markings. I've never shot with a Pentax or Bronica medium format camera, so I cannot attest as to whether or not they also have signature markings.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 07, 2005


David Miller
Thanks for setting my mind at ease. I have a lot to learn about medium format but have really enjoyed it thus far. I'm sure the jump from 35mm will be a worthwhile challenge.
Thanks again.

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April 07, 2005

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