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Photography Question 

Shain Picard

spot metering

hello, I own a minolta 450 si camera and im jsut wondering if theres a way to set the meter on spot metering and if there how to do it. thanks..any help would be appreciated...thatnks again

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March 16, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
The owner's manual makes no mention of the 450si having a built-in spot meter.
Michael H. Cothran

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March 16, 2005


Shain Picard
  oh really? I didnt get a manual my camera is like second hand I guess sooooo that would be y I didnt know that..thanks anyways.

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March 17, 2005


Terry L. Long
  This really isn't "spot metering" but, if you hold a grey card up in front of your lens so it occupies most of the metering area, it'd just be like spot metering. However, make sure the same amount of light is falling on the card as on your subject. At times, this can be hard.

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March 20, 2005

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