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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Joe Jarosz

Question about releases at amusement parks

Do I need to get a release if I take a picture of a character at a well know amusement park such as in one of the parades they have at those parks or in their displays? The characters are fully masked usually so you can't see their face, however you certainly recognize who the character is?


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February 04, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  once again depends on use. If one was needed, if it were Bugs Bunny, have to go through Warner Bros.

So you want to shoot him know, or wait till you get home?

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February 04, 2005


Joe Jarosz
  so bascially..don't bother as Warner Bros (or disney or whoever) would most likely not give permission.

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February 05, 2005

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