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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Minolta X-7A 35mm SLR

Alright, I've been shooting my Minolta X-7A 35mm SLR for a couple of years now, its in great shape. I pulled it out the other night to take photos, and, the film won't progress. The lever will not go all the way forward to move the film. Also when I look through the camera its dark, I can't see anything. So I guess my shutter is closed? I've tried my best and still, nothing goes.
What can I do to fix this?!
Thanks for any help.


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January 20, 2005


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Staci:
If you remove the lens and look into the body, do you see the mirror? If not, the mirror may be "locked up". Many of the Minolta cameras with a horizontal-travel cloth shutter will somtimes lock up like this. Sometimes a new battery will help. Sometimes one of the shutter curtains has not completed its travel. When you open the back door, do you see only the cloth shutter? Is it stretched tight, or does it have a noticeable wrinkle? Look carefully at the shutter, especially at the right side. Do you see the black metal strip that the cloth shutter curtain is attached to? Normally, you wouldn't. If you do see it, you can sometimes nudge it to the right a bit with a long fingernail or similar tool and help it complete its travel. If the camera battery is in good shape, and the camera is turned on as you do this, the mirror might just drop back down, and you'd be back in business. Be careful moving the shutter cutain, though. It is a delicate component.

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January 20, 2005

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