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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Bunny Snow

Question about Elan 7E

I understand how to take a roll of film OUT of the Elan 7E when the roll is half used. But, I don't understand how to replace a half used roll into this automatic camera, so that the roll can be finished off. Yes, I can insert the film, but that's not the problem.

When I tried to shoot with the cap on, the camera said I did not have enough light, understandably, and would not allow pictures to be taken.

Is there anyway I can advance the roll past #15, so as to continue shooting without making double exposures. Hence,
can anyone explain to me how I can salvage a half exposed roll of film?



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January 18, 2005


  Susan, after you inserted the roll, set the camera's exposure mode to M and the lens to manual focus. Then you just press the shutter release until you reach the number of frame you desire. Hope this helps.

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January 18, 2005


Bunny Snow
  Thanks, Andy. That worked perfectly!

I really appreciate your help.
With you and others at, I don't need to have a camera store selling Canon product in my community in order to better understand Canon, or other problems that come up. You all are great!


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January 18, 2005


  You are welcome. Glad I can help.

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January 18, 2005

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