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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

camera operation

I am a photograper but all of my experience has been with film. I have a new digital (Cannon Power Shot A-75). My problem is how to use it. Unfortunately I can not use my great lenses that were on my 35 equipment. I see no courses on how to use these new cameras. The manuel is working but the batteries go down so fast I don't have time to learn anything. Can you HELP? Thank you, Chet

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December 11, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  Get yourself some NIMH rechargeable batteries (if your camera takes AA batteries). Read the manual. Go to the Canon website and read everything you can. E-mail other people who have the same camera. The basics are the same (shutter speed, aperture, exposure etc...). You'll have to learn to deal with shutter lag (the time between when you press the shutter and when the picture is actually taken...)
Good luck!

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December 12, 2004

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