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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Miriam Kravis

how to avoid getting overexposed images of people

When I am taking pictures of young children, and candid images, inside ,in a low light situation and I set the camera on full auto(as I do not have time to make adjustments, due to the fact that the young children and cadid images move too often and too fast.)I sometime wind up with overexposed faces. The fash goes off, due to the light light. What do you suggest I do? I set my iso to 400.

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November 29, 2004


Rhonda L. Tolar
  You could try bouncing your flash from the ceiling, if it is a low ceiling and is white. I am not sure how that would effect your auto exposure tho. Another suggestion would be to diffuse the flash a little, by maybe putting a hankerchief over the flash, or I have even used scotch tape before.

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November 29, 2004


Rhonda L. Tolar
  Sorry, I didn't finish my last sentence. I place scotch tape over the flash head and it diffuses the light, making it not so harsh.

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November 29, 2004

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