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Sharon Melton

Auto Focus on Digital Canon Rebel

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong, the auto focus on my digital canon rebel, goes crazy, it just zooms in and out, it will not focus. Is there something that I need to be setting different that is causes this. Shooting with studio lights with a backdrop. HAve also had this happen when just shooting snapshots.

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November 12, 2004


Jon Close
  The autofocus in SLRs is "passive." It needs a minimum amount of light and contrast on the subject to work, otherwise it'll hunt. The Digital Rebel has a built-in focus assist light (flickering flash), but it is not the most effective. Better is the patterned near-infrared AF assist light on an accessory speedlight.

Also, if you are closer to the subject than the lens is able to focus, then it'll just rack back and forth without locking focus.

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November 12, 2004


Sharon Melton
  thanks, it dont think I am too close, this is happening in a studio setting, I have the modeling lights on but maybe that is not enough light, I will just keeping working on it, till I get it.

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November 12, 2004


Jon Close
  Just to cover all bases, what lens? AF is real iffy for lenses with maximum apertures smaller than f/5.6. Large aperture lenses (like f/1.4, f/2, f/2.8) will AF better in low light than f/4-5.6 zooms. Any filter that cuts light (80-series, 81-series, polarizer, etc.) will hamper AF.

Manually selecting the center (cross) sensor is sometimes better than leaving AF point selection on auto.

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November 12, 2004


Sharon Melton
  thanks jon yes I am using a AF lens and I was shooting at f8/ 125th of a second and 200 iso. I was not using any filters.

I cut the lights off over where I was shooting, I was afraid that with regular household lightblubs over the area I was shooting. I might get some weird coloring on the subject. Should I leave this on.

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November 16, 2004


  Leave the automatic white balancing on, or manually select the white balance to match the light source. This should take care the color cast.

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November 16, 2004


Cheryl Hutton
  I was on the waiting list for my camera Sep of 2003. When it came out I got one of the first to ship to Cord Camera in Greenwood, IN. My co-worker got one the same week @ Cord in Indy. We have used them like crazy. No problems till about Nov. 04 when both of them quit working in autofocus. I took mine into cord and they tried their lens and it did the same thing...goes back and forth can't find a focus point then IF and when it does shoot it is out of focus. They told me to contact Canon since it was out of warranty. I did by phone. My friend sent hers in and had it repaired under warranty. I told customer service this and they said to write out my situation and send in the camera. When Canon recieved it they sent me an invoice for labor (185.00) and it stated I didn't give reason for repair. Of course I did in my letter but they wanted my Credit Card number so they could charge me. I called and they agreed to do it free of charge, that this would be a one time repair and their would be no warranty on the repair. My camera took beautiful pictures effortlessly prior to the problems it started having. There is obviously something wrong and Canon will not admit to it.

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January 26, 2005

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