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Photography Question 

Sandra Burnette

backdrop light

I ordered a backdrop light that came with color lens to change the background color. The light flashes the color, but it is not showing up in my photo. It is like they are not in sync. Any advice on how to correct?

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November 11, 2004 - Pamela C.M Lammersen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Pamela C.M Lammersen
Pamela C.M Lammersen's Gallery
  Hello Sandra.

possibly a couple of things may be the issue and I am sure there are lots of others that someone else will be able to explain but to keep it short here is my 2c :-)

-check the distance you have your light sitting from your background... depending on your setup approx 4-6 ft from backdrop should be ok.
-check that it is positioned correctly not too low/high
-check the positioning of your other lights. They may be drowning out your back light and not giving you the seperation you are looking for.
-correct wattage in your backlight?

well could be a few things but those are the basics. I believe that alot of times when you purchase lights they will enclose a wee brochure to explain the basic use, check for one of those in the box the light came with .

good luck

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November 11, 2004


Jon Close
  What camera and how are you triggering these colored lights? If a digital SLR and triggering with optical slaves from the on-camera flash, then you probably are not in sync. Digital built-in and TTL flashes use a low power pre-flash before the shutter opens, and this triggers the optical slaves too soon.

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November 11, 2004


Sandra Burnette
  I am using a Canon 10D. Is there any way to get in sync? I am using the on camera flash to trigger.
Thanks for your help.

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November 12, 2004


Jon Close
  You will not be able to sync them using optical slaves. You'll have to connect them via sync cords to the PC sync cord plug on the 10D.

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November 12, 2004

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