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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 


Moving camera distance after metering

In the studio you meter your lights and set the aperture in the camera and start shooting. If you change lenses and/or move back further from the lights and subject is there a need to change the taking aperture. There would be light falloff at some point but where.

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November 02, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  It shouldn't matter, as long as the lights, and the distance from them to the subject, remain constant.
Since the aperture number represents a fractional equivalent of the lens' focal length, the use of a longer lens won't require any re-calculations... (A 50 mm lens at f-4 and a 200 mm at f-4 should let in the same amount of light.)

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November 02, 2004


  What was in question was if you keep moving the camera back from the subject at some point do you have to change your aperture setting. I've heard that it doesn't change but it seems that the light would fall off and a change would be needed.

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November 02, 2004

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