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Photography Question 

Pamela Barrett

Troubleshooting with Nikon N55

I have had my camera for a year. It use to take really good pictures. Anyway, the last two rolls of film that are developed have a large black strip running through the pictures. I have been told it's the shutter speed on something with the lense? Thank you for any help you can give me. Pam

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October 22, 2004


David King
  Pamela we need more data to properly analyze the problem. Can you post an example? Were you shooting with flash? Was the strip of black along one edge or was it down the middle with image showing on the outer edges?


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October 24, 2004


Pamela Barrett
  Thanks David for your reply. I may have resolved the problem. A family member noticed my shutter speed very slow. I changed the batteries and the shutter speed seemed fine. I couldn't figure that because originally I saw the battery indicator was full. Maybe it needed to be reset or something. I am quite the novice. The strip was along the edge. Quite large about one third of the picture. It happened with and without flash pictures. I will let you know with this new film and new batteries if the problem is resolved. Pam

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October 24, 2004

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