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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Lithium batteries

I have a Canon EOS Rebel G11. An ion was blinking telling me to change the battery so I did but now it still says that I need to change the battery. what do I do?

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October 11, 2004


Jon Close
  (a) There was a problem with Elan II bodies that the battery did not make good contact and needed a small wedge of paper between the bottom of the battery and the battery door to solve the problem. Perhaps similar in Rebel G II?

(b) What I think is more likely is that you are using a Sigma/Quantaray lens that is not quite compatible electronically. Because they backward engineer the mount and electronic communications, they don't necessarily get it all right. Some lenses that work fine with older model EOS cameras don't work quite right with newer models. Typical symptoms are flashing battery icon and mirror locking up. If your lens is a Sigma (or Quantaray made by Sigma), see for info on contacting Sigma to update its ROM chip.

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October 11, 2004

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