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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Metz 60 CT-1

I have a Metz 60 CT-1 flash unit. Recently I dropped the power unit from a table onto a concret floor, the housing cracked and a top corner piece broke off. My question is, can I obtain a housing unit without having to purchase a new power unit, and if so, where?
John Henry

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August 28, 2004


Jon Close
  If it's just a cracked case and in every other respect functions flawlessly, I'd think some ethyl cyanonacrylate (aka "super glue") and/or some gaffer's or duct tape would be sufficient.

Otherwise, I think
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August 29, 2004


Jon Close
  Sorry, bad link.

Otherwise, I beleive that Bogen Imaging Inc. is the source for Metz factory parts/service in the USA.

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August 29, 2004

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