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Photography Question 

Beverly A. Burke

Fill Flash

I shoot digital with the Canon 10D and have the 550EX Speedlite flash. Is there a setting on either the flash or the camera which would allow me to use either the built in or speedlite flash as "fill" flash?

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August 21, 2004


Jon Close
  See for a comprehensive description of the Canon EOS flash system, applicable to film (TTL, A-TTL, E-TTL) and digital (E-TTL) cameras. In the EOS system, fill-flash mode is integral and automatic for both the built-in and accessory speedlights. No special settings are necessary, though may be applied to suit the user.

In brighter outdoor fill-flash situations E-TTL sets its own fill-flash reduction (negative flash exposure compensation). Depending on how the meter reads the scene iIt can vary from 0 to -3 stops or more. If you set any flash eposure compensation, it will be applied in addition to whatever E-TTL sets. If you wish to set your own fill-flash exposure compensation, then on the 10D (and select other EOS cameras) you set C-Fn14="1" to disable the auto fill-flash reduction.

In Av, Tv, and M modes ambient exposure and flash are always balanced. That can give long shutter times requiring a tripod. If you set C-Fn03 to "1", then the shutter speed will always be set to 1/200 when using a flash in Av mode.

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August 21, 2004


Beverly A. Burke
  Thank you for this detailed explanation. I wasn't sure if the 10D switched to fill flash automatically, so now this is clear. It seems as if I don't have to do anything other than meter the subject in order to use fill flash, unless I want to reduce the fill flash, in which case I need to disable the fill-flash reduction and then set my own compensation. Am I understanding correctly? Thanks again

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August 21, 2004

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