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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Transferring images to computer!

I can't get my images to transfer to my pc using nikonview 5 for my nikon coolpix 4300 camera. When I plug it to my camera it says there is no cf card in the camera or the card reader. Any solutions as to what I am missing?

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August 19, 2004


Chris Boubalos
  I do not have a coolpix, but since there are no other answers i'll take a guess.
I think nikonview does not use the "usb storage" protocol to transfer images.
In my D70 camera there is a setting on how usb operates, Mass Storage or PTP.
Using Mass Storage, I can transfer using windows explorer, while using PTP I can transfer using nikon applications.
Check if there is such an option on your coolpix. I also think there is info about it on nikon's site.
Hope this helps.

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September 12, 2004

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