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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Neelam Mughal

Fashion shoot in a Bar

I've recently been approached by a small magazine company after they saw my work and offered me the Fashion Photographers position. Unfortunately, although they are aware... I have just started serious photography. My studio photos come out great but my first shoot is going to be in a bar. Therefore minimal lights, neons and spotlights. I'm working with 4 models who will be spread across the bar, all models have to be in full focus and all the clothes etc must be visible as its a fashion shoot. I've never taken photos other than in my little studio! I'm just a beginner but dont want to lose this amazing opportunity! I'm completely stuck on this shoot. Basically, do I use a flash? if so what type? Will I need a tripod for the shoot? and how do I set up my lighting? Will I need to use refectors too? And someone mentioned I need a slow shutter speed... anyone happy to help ellaborate please!?

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August 18, 2004

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