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Photography Question 

Diane Dupuis

Advice for filters

I have a few questions. I just got my first two filters (a circular polarizer and a UV Haze). I would like some tips, if you have a chance.
What do you carry your filters around in? Do you keep them in the case they arrive in or is there something else that is more convenient?
What about your lens cap? Mine doesn't fit anymore when the filter is on. Sometimes I want to pause between shots and now can't protect my filter.
Also, when using the circular polarizer, is there a trick to knowing which way to put it on (quickly) to capture the right mood. Or do you just keep twisting until you see what you like in the viewfinder.
Thanks so much for any advice you can give me!

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August 16, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  For part 1 of your question, look for metal filter stack caps.
These allow you to screw all of your filters together and screw a cap on either end.
These are great if you have a lot of filters of the same size. You can carry or store them in a "roll".
Check out this link:

For part 2 of your question,..I am a "twister" too!
I will turn the circular polarizer until it looks right, or corresponds to my pre-determined exposure parameters.

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August 16, 2004

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