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Photography Question 

Debbie A. Cooper

Quantaray vs. Canon lens

When I took a picture with my Canon Rebel 2000 in the automatic mode the shutter would not release. I sent it off to Canon and they told me that because I was using a Quantaray lens that it messed up the electronics of the camera and the camera had to be regulated again to the tune of $128.00). Am I better off buying another Canon lens to replace the Quantaray and is this a common problem? Keep in mind that my phtography lingo is quite poor and my main interest in life is to take pictures of my grandchildren.

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August 12, 2004


Jon Close
  Quantaray lenses are (mostly) made by Sigma, and this has been a common problem for Sigma. Sigma can replace the lens's electronics so that it is compatible with the latest EOS models. Check with Ritz Camera (Quantaray is their brand name) or Sigma customer service.

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August 12, 2004


Debbie A. Cooper
  Thanks so much - I'll give them a call!!

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August 12, 2004

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