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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Text Corrections in Photo Contest Submissions

Dear Sirs:

I have two questions to ask you which probably may seem pretty long-winded to you but here goes. I have already submitted two photos to your contest and it seems that upon reading their descriptive texts, I made both some typos and some omissions. Since I am a perfectionist in the area of photography as well as making accurate descriptions of my work therein, my first question is: could you please tell me how I can make the appropriate corrections?

Also, the second of my two photos titled 'THE NEAR-COLLISION STUNT" I submitted was taken in June, 1964 with a now-vintage Voigtländer Bessamatic Deluxe I used to own which is not on your active list of cameras. Even though I twice submitted both a description and my own pros and cons about that camera, none of the above shows on your website. And furthermore, the text of said second photo reads that in addition to being taken by my Bessamatic, the same photo was taken by my Yashica FX-3 which wasn't even heard of in 1964. To put it another way, how can you simultaneously make one exposure on one film with two cameras when the Yashica FX-3 wasn't even invented yet? An anachronism exists here because it's like seeing a 2004 car in a period movie set in the 1940's. My Yashica features a center-weighted through-the-lens light meter which was just not available on any camera in 1964. In fact, the first through-the-lens cadmium-sulfide light meter which was featured on the Bessler Topcon (and took only average-light readings) was first introduced in 1965. The through-the-lens center-weighted and 2% spot-reading light meters arrived years later which brings me to my second question and it is: how do I edit out the Yashica FX-3 part of my text of my second photo so that it will only read Voigtländer Bessamatic Deluxe?" Thank you.

Stephen S. Potter at

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July 03, 2004


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Stephen, if you do not have a member gallery or Deluxe Site, you can send text corrections/photo deletion requests directly to me at: heather at Please include the title of the image/or photo id and corrections needed.

As far as the camera(s) that you need added to your member profile page, I have been unable to find those cameras (google, etc)to add to our reviewable items. If you have the time, please email me some basic information about the camera(s) you describe (i.e.Med.Format or 35mm SLR, etc)and I would be happy to include the camera on our site and also on your member profile page. Please let me know if you have further questions. Thanks!

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July 03, 2004

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