© Elida Gutierrez


Uploaded: November 26, 2008


Congratulations to all the October Winners!!!!



Laurence Saliba level-classic November 29, 2008 0

Beautiful work Elida!!! Thanks!!!! #1043246

Jessica Jenney November 29, 2008 0

Thank you so much, Elida! It's gorgeous! #6825576

Anna Diederich November 29, 2008 0

Thanks Elida! :) #6825687

Andre Goldstein November 29, 2008 0

Elida, stunning work! Thank you!!! #6825716

A P November 29, 2008 0

I think it's just so sweet of you to make trophies each month for the finalist and winners, Elida. They are always so imaginative and wonderful, as this one is. Love the bubbles and the star bursts. #6825797

Renata Gusciora November 29, 2008 0

This is super,Elida!!!:-)Thank you!!!:-) #6825952

Bill Wyatt November 29, 2008 0

WOW superb image love the effects! #6825969

Chris Ebben November 29, 2008 0

How clever & thoughtful. Very nice work=^..^= #6826067

Renee Doyle November 29, 2008 0

Gorgeous creation Elida! Thankyou! #6826210

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic November 29, 2008 0

This is really a nice creation. Love the colors, creativity, lighting, all of it. 8o) #6826542

Susie Peek-Swint November 29, 2008 0

You always come up with the best trophies Elida ~ many thanks! #6826757

Michelle L. Frick November 29, 2008 0

Beautifully done Elida! Thank you! #6826771

Sam Britt November 30, 2008 0

Cool image, Elida. You always have great ideas for trophies. #6827615

Linda D. Lester level-classic November 30, 2008 0

Too cool....Thank you! #6827833

Carla Metzler November 30, 2008 0

Thank you so much, Elida! This is beautiful! #6830197

Jeffrey D. Estacio level-classic December 01, 2008 0

This is lovely. Thank you so much Elida. For me, a win is not complete without the trophy coming from you. Thanks!!! #6832157

Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 01, 2008 0

This is a beautiful trophy, I chose this as a favorite Elida! #6835392

Corinne M. Thompson December 04, 2008 0

A fabulous dedication for the winners Elida! #6847395

Elida Gutierrez level-classic December 29, 2008 0

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