Reflecting on the Night

© Gary H. Minish

Reflecting on the Night

Uploaded: December 15, 2002


A crisp cold wind, pieces of sheet ice flowing in the river, the coyotes howling in the distance and the moon! All alone and no-one to share it I brought it home with me to show all of you :-)


Wolfgang Dolak December 15, 2002

Aaaoooooooooooooooo.....I can hear them howling, Gary! This is a real MASTERPIECE considering the situation and the difficulty to get it right! Stunning and lasting impression, Gary!
birdie #15735

Cees F. De With May 26, 2019

Gary, this is really a masterpiece!!! Do you live out there??? If so, I envy you.....!!! Glad you took this image with you to show us here! #31459

Darren K. Fisher May 26, 2019

Well im glad you brought it back to share with us here. It is simply stunning, Im at a loss for words!! #31493

Dolores Neilson May 26, 2019

A masterpiece!! Love to see this on a calendar and National Geographic! Market this image for yourself, Gary!! It's outstanding! #31495

May 26, 2019

Unbelievable shot, Gary. Must have been incredible to have all that beauty around you. Wish I could see it in person. #31497

Carol Engstrom level-classic May 26, 2019

Thanks for bringing this one home to share, Gary. It is so beautiful! I can't believe your talent! You have enough wonderful pictures for a book by now don't you? Let me know when it comes out so I can buy one. #31523

Gary H. Minish level-classic May 26, 2019

I shot a few shots of this with different exposures, hoping like crazy that it would capture the moon's reflection. I was very happy when I loaded it on the computer and found that every one of them had it. Now...all of your enthusiastic appreciation makes me feel even more fortunate and twice as happy!! Thank you all very much :-)

Cees, I live a little less than 2 miles from this location, in the large trees where there's more protection from the wind! This is where we often go to walk the dogs, although they weren't with me when I took this photo. #32011

Cees F. De With May 26, 2019

Gary, I really envy you that you live so close to such a great area; I bet you can't stop making photographs and I bet you will be able "to feed" us here for years and years.... #32016

Cathy M. Gromball May 26, 2019

Absolutely wonderful, Gary! You really should approach book publishers about publishing your work!

Cathy :) #49456

Jean Crombie May 26, 2019

What a beautiful shot Gary, I've never seen anything so lovely! #74761

Gary H. Minish level-classic May 26, 2019

Cathy; Thank you for your comment! I haven't the slightest idea how to approach a publisher so I guess I'll have to do a little research and find out :-)

Jean; I really appreciate your comment. This is one of my favorites. It won me a nice prize at DPC and I've used it for my personal greeting cards a number of times. #75079

Melody C. Cepeda May 26, 2019

Hi Gary,
They are all absolutely right. This is a wonderful photo. Where was this taken?

Note: As far as publishers are concerned, take a look at the back of postcards, books and so on and you should see the name of the publishing company. You can check on-line once you locate a name and find out how to submit your work to them for viewing. This is what I am trying to do now and I have found one place that I will submit my work to. Go to click on information and than click on submissions. Good Luck! #75083

Gary H. Minish level-classic May 26, 2019

Hi Melody!

Thank you very much! This was taken about 2 miles from my home in Valdez, Alaska. I appreciate the advice and the info. I'll definitely check it out. #75084

Melody C. Cepeda May 26, 2019

Hello Again,
I just looked at your gallery and you have some very stunning work! You should be able to get your work published.

I also have a Sony F707 and I absolutely love it. I just bought the telephoto lens for it so I am having fun with that.


Gary H. Minish level-classic May 26, 2019

Thanks again, Melody! Would you tell me what telephoto lens you bought for your 707? I bought one and it was a disaster so I'm a little paranoid about trying another without a recommendation from someone with a 707 or 717. Because of the remoteness of Valdez I can't just go out and try one at a store. #75086

Melody C. Cepeda May 26, 2019

Hi Gary,
I am not sure when you asked about the telephoto lens. I didn't get an email about it. Sorry:(

Anyway, I bought the Sony x1.7 Tele photo lens item # VCL-HGD1758 from It works on the F707 and F717 and it is great.

I also go to and look at all the accesories they have available for our particular camera and than I price it on line at other places.

Hope this helps. #121512

Terri Sprinkle May 26, 2019

Perfection! The second I saw it I thought of howling wolves, even before reading your comments. It's so beautiful, I'm glad you posted it here, but it deserves a LOT more attention! I hope you do get it published somewhere. -Terri #121518

Gary H. Minish level-classic May 26, 2019

Thank you very much for your kind words and encouragement, Terri! I'm happy to hear that this photo struck you that way, cause it must mean that I was successful in capturing the atmosphere of the scene :-) #121835

Gary H. Minish level-classic May 26, 2019

Melody; Thank you very much for the response on the telephoto lens! I still haven't bought a new one yet so your information is very timely! #121837

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