
© Jane M


Uploaded: August 30, 2006


1/320, f4.3, 50mm 1.4 lens, natural light.

Exif: FNumber: , ExposureBiasValue: , ExposureTime: , Flash: , ISO: , WhiteBalance:


Jane M August 30, 2006

Heather E. Lupo
Contact Heather
Heather 's Premium Gallery

member since: 4/9/2006
This is so cute Jane! I can almost hear her giggling and picture her tumbling!
I love ALL of your pictures in your gallery -- you truly have a wonderful gift :) Hopefully someday I will be able to achieve the fantastic clarity and vibrance in my subjects eyes such as you do in yours

8/29/2006 8:27:28 PM

Jane M August 30, 2006

Thanks so much Heather for the very sweet comment on an earlier upload. There is no big secret to getting eyes like this, just good light, good focus and high shutter speed :-) Your light is the most important thing! #3242887

Terri L. Scribner August 30, 2006

This is great!! Love those sparkling eyes and cute little giggling mouth!! #3242978

Wende Trew August 30, 2006

This is sooo adorable Jane!!! Love those beautiful eyes!!! #3243047

August 30, 2006

Cute and different shot! love the blue eyes! #3243173

Megan p August 30, 2006

SO fun and cute and this looks like it is totally her personality!!! I too can never achieve clarity like you!!! (sigh, LOL) #3243278

Autum Rhoades August 30, 2006

Jane, wonderful image! I love the title and the eyes just glow! Precious! #3243291

Colette M. Metcalf August 30, 2006

Sweet image, Jane:) #3243446

Datha Y. Thompson August 30, 2006

PRECIOUS CAPTURE Jane!! LOVE he eyes and expression!! :0) #3243760

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic August 30, 2006

Very cute. She is adorable. Love her expression and the colors are beautiful. #3243985

Denise M. Snyder August 30, 2006

This is the most adorable capture! What a cutie she is! Wonderful clarity and color Jane! #3244064

Tonya Shackelford August 30, 2006

Precious capture, Jane!! Love those eyes, her expression and your clarity!! Awesome job!!! :) #3244311

Jagadeesh Andrew Owens August 30, 2006

Truly great! And those eyes!!! #3244358

Christy Nichols August 30, 2006

Beautiful shot, Jane! Those eyes are just lovely. :) #3244414

Erica Murphy level-classic August 30, 2006

Awesome shot Jane!! Love the comp and sharpness of it. It's just darn cute too!

Erica #3246844

Janine Russell level-classic August 31, 2006

Jane, wonderful clarity and lighting; great eyes. #3247741

Jane M August 31, 2006

Thank you so much everyone!

This is very much my daughter and she turns her parents world upside down too!!!! #3252570

Betsy Labuschagne September 10, 2006

Adorable capture Jane! #3291300

Tiffani S. LaNeave September 13, 2006

I see a winner!!!!! This is fabulous! So fun!!!!! #3304957

Jane M September 25, 2006

Thanks a lot Betsy and Tiffani. You are most kind! #3361196

Tiffani S. LaNeave September 26, 2006

Told ya so!!!!!!!!! Many congrats! I adore this!!!!!;-) #3365588

Chastity Abbott September 26, 2006

YAY!!!!!!! Glorious Celebrations!!!!! :o) Congrats!!! #3365633

Erica Murphy level-classic September 26, 2006

BIG CONGRATS to you Jane!!!! Love this photo!

Erica #3365662

Elizabeth Beaudoin September 26, 2006

Congratulations Jane! Such an adorable capture!!! #3365826

Candy Avera September 26, 2006

Congratulations on this finalist. What a great capture! #3365996

William88 September 26, 2006

So cute. Congratulations on your finalist. #3366209

Megan p September 26, 2006

Congratulations Jane, I just adore this!!!! #3366267

Denise M. Snyder September 26, 2006

I knew this would be a finalist Jane! Huge congrats! #3366721

Jane M September 26, 2006

Thank you VERY much everyone!! #3367629

Datha Y. Thompson September 26, 2006

CONGRATULATIONS... Adorable Image!! :0) #3367683

cj patterson September 26, 2006

wtg jane!!!!! saw this on ilp when you posted and loved it...great job on getting finalist!!!!!!!! :) #3367791

Sherry Stricklin Boles level-classic September 26, 2006

Congratulations, Jane!! #3368768

Darla C. Sammons September 26, 2006

This is just so darn cute. Love it all. Congrats on finalist. #3369427

Betsy Labuschagne September 26, 2006

Congratulations!! #3369831

Ross Throndson September 27, 2006

Adorable Finalist, Jane, Congratulations!! :^) #3370306

Kara L. Hendricks September 27, 2006

Congrats on this wonderful finalist!!! #3370776

Christy Nichols September 27, 2006

Congrats Jane!!! #3371399

Brianne Norgaard September 27, 2006

This is so cute! Love the clarity in her eyes. Congrats on your finalist!! #3371882

Cindy Wong September 27, 2006

Congrats on this beautiful finalist! #3372349

Tonya Shackelford September 27, 2006

Congrats on this awesome finalist, Jane!!! #3374540

Jane M September 27, 2006

It's lovely you have all taken the time to leave a message.

I'm thrilled this was selected as it very much represents the character of my daughter! #3374706

Tressie Davis level-classic September 27, 2006

This is SUPER cute - great finalist Jane, congrats!!! #3375237

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 27, 2006

Cute smile, congratulations! #3375865

Helen N. McHugh September 28, 2006

so cute!.. Adorable! Congratulations Jane!!! #3378003

jennifer B. short September 28, 2006

I hope to see this in the winner's circle. It is my favorite portrait for this month. Great clarity. #3379544

Daniella Puente September 28, 2006

Jane the sharpness on that LOVELY face is amazing as the composition, great and CUTE!!! :o) #3381274

Amy JACKSON September 28, 2006

Wonderful capture, Jane!! Very cute!! Congratulations!! #3382340

Jane M September 29, 2006

Tressie, Donna, Helen, Jennifer, Daniella and Amy thanks very much for your messages. #3387105

Nicole Kessel October 09, 2006

This is wonderful! Congratulations, Jane! #3428242

Danielle Fuller November 04, 2007

This is awsome...Love the POV and comp. Amazing. Your gallery is so refreshing and fun to look through... #5026869

Jane M November 04, 2007

Thanks for your nice message Danielle! #5027032

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