First You See Her

Uploaded: October 23, 2010 01:09:45


Then You Don't!!


Our Driver Stops For Us At

The Nice Lady Working There
Bring Mrs. Thorpe As A Gift.


I looked Away. Then Looked Back. She was Gone.
* * *
DDR Magic done in Microsoft Digital Imaging.

MUSIC MIX BY the One and ONLY:

Exif: F Number: 2.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/15 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, FocalLength: 4.60 mm, Model: Canon PowerShot SD800 IS


Laura E. Swan level-classic October 23, 2010

Legend Has It That There Are
MANY WHO PASS THROUGH THE DOORS Of The Claresholm General Store Candy Shop
They Especially Like To Unlock The Doors
Or Open Them And Slam Them Shut Once Again.

Employees have a VERY HARD TIME locking up at night!

There Is A Narrow Staircase That Leads To Storage In The Upper Floor.
Humm....Doesn't Heat Rise???

(Fact: I was allowed to Open That Door That Led To The Staircase a few summers ago. (On A Hot August Day). It was in fact FREEZING COLD when I opened the door. The Cold Breeze When Right Through To My Bones! I was HAPPY to shut the Door! Let Me Tell you!) #1320215

Ann Coates level-classic October 23, 2010

Yum, I know I haven't been to visit for a while but my nose was drawn to the sweet scent of something quite delicious. I know that this is the place to be. I'm quite happy to stay, I think. #8990781

Paul E. Earl October 23, 2010

I bet you were like a Swanee in a candy store! Terrific image!! #8990789

Raymond Pauly October 23, 2010

Awesome image and a captivating story,Laura! Beautiful work! Love it! #8990793

Michelle Alton October 23, 2010

You have the most wonderful "schizo" imagination, Laura (and I mean that as a compliment)! How many of us can actually illustrate the stuffs of our brain? #8990874

Graham Robards October 23, 2010


Dr Silly level-classic October 23, 2010

Wonderful photo Laura and wonderful song for the photo Pat. :O) #8990919

Graham Robards October 23, 2010

Thankyou so much for your kind words Dr. Silly!

Great that you dropped in. Laura has a great series going for Halloween scaring the BP'ers except for now that is, building up to a climax later on!

The next seven days should be interesting.

~Pat #8990927

Douglas Pignet October 23, 2010

My kind of store...Great capture and nice lighting #8990948

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer October 23, 2010

MSSSLala, I am in AWE of your images here. This is absolutely amazing. I know you told me how you did it, and I'm still so amazed how WELL you did. You are a master photographer and artist. I can't tell you enough.
What I can't really understand is... why aren't thery any REAL people where we're going. Are they ALL ghosts?? Are WE all ghosts??????? Shiver...... #8990995

Stephen Zacker October 23, 2010

I REALLY like this one. Very Cool. Like that song.. made me laugh :-) #8991011

Ron McEwan October 23, 2010

Terrific, just terrific your are have a bunch of fun putting this together. Thank you it makes a smile for each day. #8991034

Monnie Ryan October 23, 2010

Fantastic job, Laura -- and the music is perfect! I'll take a bag of those red hots! #8991079

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer October 23, 2010

My dearest Michelle, you have the funniest words coming out of your typing hands. "schizo" imagination? Never heard that one before.
But I do understand your admiration for Laura, because not only does our Sister have a brilliant mind as well as talent, she also has the ability, as you've so kindly noticed, to transfer her genius through her lens in the most entertaining and fascinating way, which of course is just one of the reasons why we love her so much.

John Connolly October 23, 2010

What a wonderful idea to pause on our journey at the Candy shop, Laura! I remember sights like this from my boyhood days! The difference is there were no ghostly apparitions behind the counter! #8991634

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer October 23, 2010

Are you sure, John? HAHAHA! #8991636

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 23, 2010

Hi Everyone! WOW! LOOK! We all fit in here! COOL! YES! Red hots and lolly pops and for our dear Lorna, whatever her heart desires, once she gets here from the truck. She is moving pretty slowly after she got mysteriously beat up back at the PRINCE HOUSE! WOW! Glad we got the heck out of there! :)

GUESS WHAT YOU GUYS??? This "Sweet" Lady said our MONEY is NO GOOD HERE. HA! I have a feeling it's because if we hand it to them it will fall through their fingers? What do you think???


Lol @ Michelle. Well, I think if we replace the word "schizo" with PHOTOSHOP we will have a winner! NONE of this would be possible without my Microsoft Digital Imaging Program and PSE7, and of course Pat at the SOUND and MIXER arena! HA!

Hey...did anyone feel that cold breeze go by?

(P.S. Thank you all for having fun with me and for all you have said through this series. You guys are the BEST!)

NEXT STOP...MRS. THORPE'S HOUSE FOR A NICE MEAL and some LOCAL Entertainment! #8991783

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer October 23, 2010

Ahh, at last! Something to eat. I thought you'd never say it, my Sister. #8991845

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 23, 2010

Lolly Pops Pictures, Images and Photos Lolly POPS Pictures, Images and Photos Lolly Pops Pictures, Images and Photos #8991854

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer October 23, 2010

That's for dinner??
Oh, my dentist will LOVE it! HAHA!
Sweets for my sweet... come sing with me.. Sugar for my honey.... lalala..

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 23, 2010

Lol...Sugar for my honey? You mean my Sugar Dandy? Hehehe!

So fun!

I THINK MRS. THORPE told the driver that we are having BOILED REMNANTS. Dare we ask what this means when we get there? #8991940

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer October 23, 2010


Laura E. Swan level-classic October 23, 2010

WOW! THAT was TERRIFIC! I don't know who they are.

I must be younger than I look! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still snickering!

Thanks my Sweet Soul Sister, Kirsten! :D You are precious!

-SSSLaura #8991975

Lorna Shutter October 23, 2010

Wow! This is awesome, Laura! ... both the image and the store!!! I'll take 3 of these and 2 of those and 16 of the other ... Hey! Isn't that Lucky Elephant Pink Candy Popcorn I see back there?! Thanks for bringing us here, Sis! Suddenly I feel much better! :) #8992015

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 23, 2010

And you LOOK DIVINE Sis! Pink Cheeks and WHAT Yes! Elephant Pink Candy Corn!


Here, sweetie, move in front of us so you are right up to the counter. Can you see better now? See anything else you would like? And how about you choose something for Mrs, Thorpe too?

Ellen Hodges October 23, 2010

She looks a little spooky, but very nice, too! Excellent capture, Laura. Love the series, too!! #8992032

Patrick Rouzes level-classic October 23, 2010

I'll have 65 yards of ribbon candy! We will wrap it around you, Laura, in case something drastic happens at Mrs. Thorpes-like if you disappear at least we can see your shape beneath the candy. Not that we will need that much,lol.
Whatever is boiled for dinnerI hope it does not look up at me.
Maybe we can conduct a seance after dinner??? Might find answers to these strange happenings. #8992044

Nancy L. Green level-classic October 23, 2010

Well Laura, I'm smiling now, VERY well done!! <>< #8992061

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 23, 2010

Hi Ellen, Paddy! Nancy!!! Good to see you guys!

Paddy! YES! A Seance after Dinner! Great idea! LET'S do it! We can call in Madam Sophie! WHY NOT!? She does HOUSE CALLS! HA! (And we already know that Mrs. Thorpe has a TELEPHONE!)

Humm...65 yards of Ribbon candy. 10 yards would cover I know what you want to do with the other 55 yards! Shoot colorful MACROS and make Whazzits!?! (Oh, and share it with the rest of us! :))

Glad you guys are smiling. Candy stores are always happy places. :) #8992087

Patrick Rouzes level-classic October 23, 2010

Swanee Laura, it is impossible not to smile! Sorry about the 65 yards- I knew 10 would do! #8992102

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 23, 2010

That's okay Paddy! If we hang out here for a few more days however we might as well get the 65 yards. Lol.

YUMMY NUMMY NUMMY! :) #8992106

Patrick Rouzes level-classic October 23, 2010

LOLOL! #8992109

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 23, 2010

;) #8992112

Susan Weisensel October 23, 2010

Very cool & SWEET image. #8992145

Sam Britt October 24, 2010

Very creative series, Laura. You really have quite an imagination!! #8993676

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 24, 2010

Hi Susan! Hi Sam! Hey! Glad you guys are here. There is WAY too much candy in this store for the 17 of us already here! YUMMY! See anything you like? :D

Thanks for joining us!!! This is FUN #8993679

Karen Kessler October 26, 2010

Where's the CHOCOLATE? I don't see any CHOCOLATE! I'm starting to have a CHOCOHOLIC ATTACK without my CHOCOLATE!!! (Now I'll be singing the song for days! hehe) #8998044

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 26, 2010

SWEETS FOR KALENA!!!! Our Sweet Sister!!

DoveDarkChoc Pictures, Images and Photos

(And I know you DO!!!!!!!!!) #8998160

Karen Kessler October 27, 2010

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Sis for the DOVE DARK CHOCOLATE - my FAVORITE! So sweet of you to remember! Now I'm drooling all over my keyboard, but I'm not afraid go through the rest of the way now that I have my comfort food! :) #8998962

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 27, 2010

You are WELCOME! This is supposed to be a FRIGHTENINGLY FUN adventure. So NOW you can feel COMPLETE! Oh, here, let me get the drool off of your chin. It was just hanging there. (Lolololol!) #8999387

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic November 20, 2010

Yup, will say it one more time...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on the BEST Halloween Series 2010...


Gina M. Savage October 14, 2011

Spooky capture! :) Love the ghost like image, Laura. #9734985

Mary K. Robison November 03, 2011

This is SO WEIRD, PomPom!
After all that back-and-forth about candy and cavities, etc., on my candy corn thread, what do I spy with my little (bloodshot) eye in your gallery but this wonderful image of your friendly ghost in the Candy Shoppe?
{Sidebar: "Sweets for my Sweet" was originally sung by the Drifters (Of "Under The Boardwalk" fame), long before the British Invasion brought groups like the Searchers to America, singing their versions of such songs.}

Anyway, your work on this image is so well done, Pom. I've always enjoyed your terrific creativity with the storyline.
Maybe if I compliment you enough on this, you'll mail me some Elephant Pink Candy Corn!!!!!!!!!!!
Good N-I-I-I-I-I-I-ght!!
~ Mare #9780420

Laura E. Swan level-classic April 19, 2012

Hi Mumj, Gina and Mare! Looky! This image has floated through my gallery and is now front and center again. I feel like we are seeing a ghost. Hey wait! WE ARE!!!

Thank you for your fun here and kindness.

!!!!! PINK CANDY CORN FOR EVERYONE !!!!! #10099945

Laura E. Swan level-classic April 19, 2012

candy corn (: Pictures, Images and Photos #10099953

JO ANN CLEVELAND April 20, 2012

Now aren't you creative girl..very cool image and fx..

jo ann c. #10100457

Emile Abbott level-classic April 20, 2012

You not only give us a sweet tooth but creativity as well Laura. #10100808

Stephen Zacker April 21, 2012

This is Cool.. had a blast reading the comments :-) #10103167

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic April 21, 2012

Love the image and the spooky story. The banter was wonderful. #10103378

Terry Cervi level-deluxe April 23, 2012

Very cool and spooky work, Laura! Loved what you wrote! You tell the best stories! That must have been quite the experience to open the door to that room! Whoa! #10105539

Debbie Bray May 04, 2012

I love this Laura, I think you are very clever indeed, and I love your story that goes with it too!!!!! :) #10123092

Laura E. Swan level-classic October 17, 2012

Well, shiver me timbers! I got trapped in a wall somewhere and just found my way out through these 3 boards. Hey! What just brushed up against my leg? If felt like a cat but nothing was there??

Sorry to be late here peeps! I was time traveling, I think, because now it's (let me look at my day timer) October of 2012. Whew! Thanks for all you said and HAPPY HALLOWEEN MONTH *AGAIN*!!!

-Laura :D

P.S. Is this candy stale to you or is it just me? #10372892

Stan Kwasniowski November 29, 2012

Laura, congratulations #10439021

Kathryn Wesserling November 29, 2012

That freaky woman appeared again just in time for the Finalists. Hmmmmm. Hopefully, she'll stick around for the next Round. #10439137

Sherran Andersen level-classic November 29, 2012

Congrats Laura. #10439352

Ann Coates level-classic November 29, 2012

Congratulations on another fabulous finalist Laura. #10439637

Stefania Barbier level-classic November 30, 2012

well done Lala... huge congrats! #10439855

Randy D. Dinkins level-classic November 30, 2012

Great job Laura, congratulations! #10439933

Mary K. Robison November 30, 2012

Congratulations on your long-delayed Finalist, Pom! Hope this mysterious lady sweetens yoour weekend by turning gold! #10440285

Robert R. Goodman November 30, 2012

Hi Laura,Big Congratulations my friend on this beautiful finalist!!!! #10440401

Michelle Alton November 30, 2012

Congratulations, Laura. This is a GREAT image. Your imagination never fails.

I see you have at least one OTHER great finalist (so far in my journey through).

Hope all is going well. I'll email you! #10440525

Patricia A. Casey level-classic November 30, 2012

Congratulations on Finalist number two....WTG Laura.....Cheers & all the best for the next round.... #10440805

Ellen Hodges November 30, 2012

Huge congrats on your fantastic finalists, Laura!!! #10441226

Emile Abbott level-classic November 30, 2012

congratulations on another great finalist, Laura. #10441266

Carol Flisak level-classic November 30, 2012

Congratulations on a terrific finalist, Laura! #10441392

Wm Nosal November 30, 2012

Wonderful Image, Laura!
Congratulations #10441504

Laura E. Swan level-classic November 30, 2012

I am so tickled and thrilled that this one went Finalist. It is one of my very favorites and always hoped it would go past EFP. This young girl was so willing to make this image possible since it involved taking two photos. She really played along. I wish I knew how to get a hold of her to tell her and show her. She was a college student working at Heritage Park part time.

Thank you all so much for your support. You guys are great and I will be by to see you in this next week when my sked free's us. We have relatives in town right now.

Thanks Again So Much and Thank You Judges!!!

-Laura :D #10441617

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer November 30, 2012

OMGOMGOMG!! Sister!! It finally made it! HUUUGE congratulations. I'm so happy I'm jumping up and down in my chair. #10441884

Laura E. Swan level-classic November 30, 2012

I KNOW! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!! I was so Happy!!!! :D

SSSKiki, can you come to my gallery? There is a Birthday Card There For Mary! I will be home tonight. Leaving now for a belated birthday party for me and my sister in law. Lunch then gifts at Dales Dads.

Thank you all!
-Laura :D #10441951

Nancy L. Green level-classic November 30, 2012

CONGRATULATIONS Laura on this wonderful finalist, WTG!!! <>< #10442571

Tammy Espino November 30, 2012

Congrats Ms. Laura on another winner!! :) Smiling big here!!! #10442612

Lorna Shutter December 01, 2012

Woo Hoo!!! So glad this one finally made it to Finalist!!! CONGRATULATIONS, Sis!!!!! :) #10445426

isabel C. Zepeda level-classic December 01, 2012



Ysa... #10445914

Nadia Paul December 02, 2012

Beautifully done Laura - congrats on your finalist! #10446051

Nancy L. Green level-classic December 02, 2012

CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful finalist Laura, WTG!!! <>< #10447386

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic December 03, 2012

on your very deserving FINALIST....

Sorry I am late, but the laptop has been in the only computer!!! It is back, so am I! 8o) #10449362

Merna L. Nobile December 04, 2012

To my photo friend:
Look back with pride,
Look forward with excitement,
Enjoy the success of the day.

JO ANN CLEVELAND January 24, 2013

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist Laura, don't kinow how I had missed this one, love it!

jo ann c. #10533021

Laura E. Swan level-classic January 24, 2013

EVERYBODY! You guys are the BEST!

-Laura :D #10533141

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