Which Way?

Uploaded: June 02, 2008 08:22:55


Santa Barbara Zoo, Otters.


cheryl m. phillips June 02, 2008

How cute is this???
LOVE the title totally goes with the looks they are giving! ha ha
Very cute, Patricia!
~cheryl #933808

R. J. Laudenbacher level-classic June 02, 2008

This is just great. I love to watch them. You did a wonderful job. You could probably start a new ad campaign using these little guys #6008569

Lisa R. Buffington level-classic June 02, 2008

LOL!!!!! Thanks for the smile you put on my face. This is just too cute and the title is absolutely perfect. Wonderful detail, tones and clarity. #6008606

Patricia A. Stalter June 02, 2008

Well, Thank you one and all! I have always loved thier "cuteness" too.
The title was a tie between "Who's on First?" and the chosen "Which Way. #6008795

Eli Boschetto June 02, 2008

I love otters! Ever since my grandma gave me a toy one when I was 6 years old... Memories. Nice capture, Patricia - so cute!! #6009264

Cassie L. Woodlee June 03, 2008

Tooo cute!!!!! great capture Patricia!!!!! #6013067

Amber Kennedy June 08, 2008

way cute capture!well done! #6036112

Sarah F. Myers June 13, 2008

I love Otters! Great Shot!! #6057959

Sue L. Cullumber June 14, 2008

Patricia - so very cute! I think you picked the right title! #6060561

Dawn M. Schneider October 22, 2008

this is so cute, looks like you caught them in a important conversation, what a great capture! #6638407

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