Somebody's In Trouble [Funny Dog Photos]

© Shelley Sanders

Somebody's In Trouble

Uploaded: January 12, 2003 17:12:58


Murry Grigsby January 12, 2003

Very nice work, Shelley.

Murry #18696

Denny Medley May 26, 2019

Excellent image, Shelley! Way cool!
My Dane (Random) knows that look, and accusatory finger very well!
Another fantastic image. Good luck with it! #41472

June Marie Sobrito May 26, 2019

Perfect, as always! You are so the red touch! #41473

Mark Oxley May 26, 2019

tremendous image and oh so striking. Great work!! #41475

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thanks so much everyone! You have a Great Dane, Denny? I used to hop on one and ride around when I was little. His name was Bo and he was light grey. Sweetheart. Tell me yours doesn't track in dirt, can't even imagine the size of the tracks on the floor! LOL June Marie, I had to paint my nails to match his collar. Details, details! LOL #41482

May 26, 2019

how cool! Great photo! #41505

Dolores Neilson May 26, 2019

Hey Shell! LOVE IT ...LOVE IT! How about that long red nail, eh?? Ooohh...wouldn't like to get in a cat fight with those claws!! You've already won! This is soooo cute....real fun shot! Love this in high key! #41526

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thanks so much ladies! #41533

Frank A. Ogle May 26, 2019

Outstanding Shot Shelley!! Very Creative!!

Regards, Frank #41557

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic May 26, 2019

Looks like a winner to me! #41580

Judith G. Secco May 26, 2019

What a wonderful shot. Such nice work.
Judy #41592

Sharon E. Lowe level-addict May 26, 2019

Great shot! Hope he got a doggie biscuit for being such a good subject! #41595

Carol Sherman May 26, 2019

oooooooh Shelley, I LOVE's a winner for SURE!!!!!!
The set up and thought that went into it alone...blew me away. Great colours, clarity and subject. Hmmm, wanna be a sponge and soak up some of your

Ray Charles May 26, 2019

LOL, now that's a great story, excellent colors, composition,and details. Great work Shelley. #41635

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thanks so much Frank, Carolyn, Judy, Sharon, Carol and Ray! Yes, he is pretty spoiled around here. He just graduated from 1st level obedience. We were just happy he wasn't kicked out. : ) He is a wild man! #41735

Gary H. Minish level-classic May 26, 2019

Absolutely superb shot, Shelley! The staging was very inventive and the execution was excellent! I love the personality in it and the color contrasts. The tracks are perfect also. I predict a winner here! #41810

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thanks so much Gary for the wonderful comment! #41880

Judy M. Sayers May 26, 2019

This is just way too cute! I love it. Taking the time to paint your nails to match the collar was worth the effort. Thanks, Judy :) #42038

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thanks Judy! Yes, normally I have clear polish on, no frills kinda gal. LOL #42066

Frank A. Ogle May 26, 2019

I really love this one!! I have seen it several times at the photography sites and enjoy it everytime I see it!! Outstanding Shelley!! You have a Fantastic Gallery!!


Frank #46517

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thanks so much Frank about this shot and my gallery! Yes, it won POTD a couple days ago at BestFoto. : ) But please tell me you haven't seen it anywhere else, don't have it anywhere else! LOL I would hate to hear of another one of my photos being stolen! LOL I have scaled down my photo sites because of that. #46519

Frank A. Ogle May 26, 2019

Shelley, I know I have seen this one before but I can't remember where? Hopefully, I am not confused? Usually If I see a shot I will remember it.

If I see it again I will let you know here!


Frank #46523

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic May 26, 2019

Congrats on finals again..if this isn't a winner, I'll be verrrrrrry surprised! #54527

Stephanie Adams May 26, 2019

congrats again Shelley! #54700

May 26, 2019

Congrations!! #54794

Gary H. Minish level-classic May 26, 2019

Congratulations, Shelly! This one will place for sure! #54816

Ray Charles May 26, 2019

Congratulations, Shelley! #54856

Monika Sapek May 26, 2019

You are very creative person, Shelley! I liked this image from the first time I saw it – great idea and fantastic execution. This red color is like a spice here! Big congratulations on making the finals with this one!

Frank A. Ogle May 26, 2019

Congrats Shelley!! I love this one!! Could you please send me the E-Mail you recieved showing all the Finalist Winners? I deleted mine by Mistake!!


Frank #54992

Damian P. Gadal May 26, 2019

Congrats Shelley - well done! #54994

Guy D. Biechele level-classic May 26, 2019

One of my favorites. Good Luck, Shelley!! +Guy #55043

Cees F. De With May 26, 2019

Congrats on your nomination Shlley!!!
Cees #55160

bob garas May 26, 2019


this is a wonderful shot. sorry I missed it 1st time posted. congrats #55176

Carol Sherman May 26, 2019

So pleased this made it Shelley, just knew it had to.:-) Congratulations & Best of Luck! #55271

Sharon E. Lowe level-addict May 26, 2019

Congrats and good luck! #55299

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thank you everyone for the great comments on this!!!! #55428

Dolores Neilson May 26, 2019

I could have sworn I commented on this last evening! Ah...another senior moment presents itself!

You know I love this!! I think it's my favorite of all your shots combined! Good luck, dear one!! #55582

Piper Lehman May 26, 2019

My vote for Grand Prize Winner. This is so perfect, Shelley. You really have the high-key technique down to an art. Congrats on a wonderful piece of work. #55918

Cathy M. Gromball May 26, 2019

Congratulations on finals with this one, Shelley! I'm sorry I missed it when it was posted - awesome! I think you should market it to dog obedience schools to use in their brochures!

Cathy :) #56103

Terry McCully May 26, 2019

WOW...very creative shooting!!! #56583

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thanks so much Dolores, Piper, Cathy and Terry! Sorry for the delay... just got over a cold and doing some personal projects. Now with family in town, two weeks have flown by really fast!


Dolores Neilson May 26, 2019

YOU DID IT, GIRLFRIEND!! YOU MADE THE GRAND!! WOO HOOOO!! SUPER, BIG, HUMUNGOUS, COLOSSAL CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you!! Enjoy your well deserved win!! #58897

Frank A. Ogle May 26, 2019

Congrats Shelley!!! Like I told you before, I have always liked this Shot!! Very Deserving!!!! You are the Best!!


Frank #58911

Angie Hill May 26, 2019

Well it looks like a lot of people predicted that this one would win and it looks like they were right! Congratulations sis on a well deserved win. You know how I feel about this one and your "Decisions Decisions", two of your best.

Angie #58912

Cathy M. Gromball May 26, 2019

Congratulations on your grande prize win, Shelley! Way to go!!!

Cathy :) #58914

Gary H. Minish level-classic May 26, 2019

Alright!! Way to go Shelley! I knew this one would go places :-) Very well deserved Grand Prize!! #58944

Monika Sapek May 26, 2019

Fantastic news! Many congratulations on your grand prize win, Shelley!
Monika #58957

Kaye Grogan May 26, 2019

SUPER DUPER win Shelley! I love this composition. Very deserving of a GRAND PRIZE win.

You have been sooooo helpful to me and it couldn't have happened to a nicer lady.

Take care my friend & keep safe, "K" #59009

Jean-Francois Schmutz May 26, 2019

Bravo, bravo, bravo ! for the Grand Prize Win, Shelley !!

JF #59013

Ken Ke-Wei Pan May 26, 2019

Greatest work !! Congratulation of the Grand Prize winning !



Mark Oxley May 26, 2019

Hi Shelley, I'm so happy your photo won Grand Prize. I had this down as a winner the first time I saw it. #59059

Carole Lydon May 26, 2019

Well Done Shelley!

I would have been very surprised if I hadn't seen this amongst the winners - but Grand Prize - excellent.

Congratulations #59071

Cees F. De With May 26, 2019

WOW! Grand Prize!!! Great job Shelley and congrats! Greetzz Cees #59073

Kathleen Clemons May 26, 2019

Congratulations, Shelley!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #59086

Joy Brown May 26, 2019

Outstanding, Shelley!!!! Congratulations - WELL deserved for such an awesome and creative image! #59100

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic May 26, 2019

No contest, here, in my opinion! This was the one!!!!! #59102

Denny Medley May 26, 2019

I wholeheartedly agree with all the kudos above. A very excellent shot, very well done, and you deserve the Grand Prize! It couldn't happen to a nicer lady, whom I appreciate her friendliness, helpfullness and advice tremendously. You Go, Girl!!

-Denny M #59125

Heather K. McFarland May 26, 2019

Many congrats on your GP win Shelley!! Humor and technical excellence all rolled into one wonderful image!

Enjoy it!!

Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019

Well deserved win, Shelley. Congrats again!! #59147

Sharon E. Lowe level-addict May 26, 2019

Congrats Shelley!!! Had a feeling this one was the big one even before I saw my mailbox full of messages about it! Great work - hope he gets an extra special treat to celebrate your win! #59161

Joanna Obraske May 26, 2019

Congrats on the big win! This is an excellent shot. #59177

Many Feathers May 26, 2019


Congratulations on your photo! Wow!!! I am so glad you won because I missed it before... Ditto on all the comments above. FANTASTIC!

MF #59179

Lianne E. Cook May 26, 2019

Congratulations Shelley, a well deserved win! #59196

Carol Sherman May 26, 2019

Shelley What A Pleasure it is to Congratulate you on your Grand Prize Win! A great reward for your well earned work. #59206

Jimmy Wen May 26, 2019

never too late to enjoy this marvelous high-kay picture, never too late to congratulate you on grant prize win! #59223

Donna J. Eaton May 26, 2019

Congratulations on your win Shelley. #59224

June Marie Sobrito May 26, 2019

Congratulations on this outstanding work!! #59258

Kathy L. Schneider May 26, 2019

Way to go Shelley! I have been enjoying this shot all month and low and behold so has everyone else!You are the High key master! Congrats on the big Grand Prize win, it's well deserved! I'm curious about one thing Shelley, the paw prints....are they real or digital? #59260

Piper Lehman May 26, 2019

Can I call 'em, or can I call 'em! Knew this was the 'grandest' -- congrats, Shell. #59293

May 26, 2019

Congrations!!! #59309

Ray Charles May 26, 2019

congratulations, Shelley #59342

May 26, 2019

ALL RIGHT SHELLEY!!! Hope you are feeling better about things now, way to go and well deserved! #59356

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Wow!!!!!!! This is really wonderful! I am blown away by not only winning but all the positive feedback on this image! Thanks so very much each of you. I can't wait to view the other winning photos, 56, now that's an amount I can handle! Every time I get caught up it seems, there are MORE photos to view.

Stephanie, this is one of the photos that agency liked so much, problem was I needed about 50 more "conceptual" just like it to sign on! Yes, this win makes the hard work worth it! #59373

Suzie Strasburg May 26, 2019

A Big Hand To You Shelly!!!! #59392

Gerda Grice level-classic May 26, 2019

Congratulations, Shelley, on a super well deserved win!! The shot is fun, eye-catching and meticulously palnned and executed! #59420

Elaine M. Johnson May 26, 2019

My heart SMILES for you... Congrations!!

Elaine #59439

Patrick Campbell May 26, 2019

Congrats on your outstanding Grand Prize winner! A great, universal concept carried out with your usual technical excellence. Did you sign yet with the agency mentioned above? I'm sure you have a few dozen more appropriate pieces to show them with all your fine work I've seen here and there! :-) #59441

Kerry Drager May 26, 2019

Hi Shelley: Congratulations on a great shot ... and a BIG win! Kerry #59467

Ellen Peach level-classic May 26, 2019

Excellent Grand Prize winner, congratulations, Shelley! #59530

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thanks so much Suzie, Gerda, Elaine, Patrick, Kerry and Ellen! So very appreciated!

Patrick, I didn't sign with that agency, BUT I did receive an email today from another agency, crossing my fingers. I am guessing the word got out today about BetterPhoto, because I also received an application for a Gold Card from American Express! LOL #59627

ricky A. riddle May 26, 2019

Congratulations,Shelley. #59630

Judith G. Secco May 26, 2019

Congratulations, Shelley. This is just such a wonderful picture. You certainly deserved grand prize.
Judy #59634

Kayley Sullivan May 26, 2019

Shelly, Thank you for the nice comments on my win! You are an *amazing* photographer, and this picture is more than deserving of the grand prize win!

I hope someday I can be even half the photographer you are, then I will be truly great! #59671

Tracy L. Kolisnyk May 26, 2019

Shelley!!! Congrats on your big win!!! I think this is absolutley awesome!!! Love it, Love it!! Congrats :) #59994

Judy Wick May 26, 2019

Congrats Shelley! This is superb! #60087

Bernard B. Travers May 26, 2019

Congratulations on your wonderful win, Shelley. #60157

Walmir Piva May 26, 2019

Hy Shelley, In first place I want congratulates it for creative the winning photo... very creative and very executed well. It stows visiting its gallery and it liked very... Its work enchanted me for the good taste and the great aesthetic sense. Congratulations of the friend Walmir Piva. Sorry my bad English... #60209

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thanks so much Rick, Judith, Kayley, Tracy, Judy, Bernard and Walmir!

William C. Raco level-classic May 26, 2019

Shelly, this is hilarious.
What great work you did.
Very much deserving of a grand prize.
My congratulations.

bill #69976

Shelley Sanders May 26, 2019

Thanks so much Bill! #70008

Connie L. Carpenter May 26, 2019

Perfect work... I love this image... great expression on the dog. #83875

Carolyn J. Connolly October 27, 2004

Really wonderful image, Shelley - and such a cute dog! I love the white, black and red featured here! Many congratulations on your Grand Prize win with this shot some time back...VERY well deserved! :) #872828

Heidi Tidd March 12, 2006

Excellent composition, setup and idea Shelly! #2523786

cheryl m. phillips August 29, 2007

Great job!
~cheryl #4717816

Joaquin R. Felix May 08, 2008

wonderful! #5902938

Sarah Baker September 02, 2008

adorable!!! #6403339

Mary-Ella Bowles April 01, 2016

High key originality and fun..... #11455492

Terry Cervi level-deluxe April 09, 2016

I remember this well! Love it! Congrats, Shelley! #11459128

bob garas July 12, 2016

congradulatons to you #11495167

Guy D. Biechele level-classic July 14, 2016

A very memorable photo, I remember it too! Congratulations, Shelly. #11495729

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You learn by doing. Take your next online photography class. All Time Best Photo Contest Staff Favorite Photo Contest GRAND PRIZE Winner

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