
Uploaded: August 21, 2006 19:51:56


This was a desperate attempt to save a wrongly exposed image (see original in comment thread). I played around with curves, levels and saturation, applied a warming filter, created a blue sky and cloned out some distractions. Gotta love Photoshop!!

Shutter 1/2
Aperture f/28
ISO 50
Category: Digital Darkroom


Susana Ms Heide August 21, 2006

The original is REALLY bad!!!! #507834

Linda Proctor August 21, 2006

Great PS work Susana!! It's beautiful ! #3196164

Kara L. Hendricks August 21, 2006

Wow... PS is great... But, you gotta know how to use it... And you did well!!

Wonderful! #3196191

Chastity Abbott August 21, 2006

OH MY GRACIOUS!!!!!! the colors are exploding and looking soooo beautiful!!! AWESOME! #3196288

Gary Lange August 21, 2006

Way to go!! I love it. Just think if it were exposed the way you wanted it, maybe it wouldn't have turned out as well in the long run. Either way, Excellent work! #3196338

Martin J. Preslar August 22, 2006

Wonderful work and a great subject! If you have never tried it, you might want to see about doing a Digital Orton technique with the original and see how you like it. For information on the technique see:

It is already over-exposed, so you could skip the "screen" step! :) #3196710

Joy Rector August 22, 2006

beautiful #3197065

Susan M. Hembree August 22, 2006

You did a superb job on this, Susana! Great save! #3197383

Aimee S. McMaster August 22, 2006

I think it's just beautiful Susana! Aimee #3197394

Sherry Stricklin Boles level-classic August 22, 2006

Great save, Susana...I really like all the movement in the foreground! #3197468

Dr Silly level-classic August 22, 2006

Wow, your skill with PS really saved this shot. Way to go. I would have deleted the photo. Once again great PS work. :O)

Susana Ms Heide August 22, 2006

Linda, Kara, Chastity, Gary, Marty, Joy, Susan, Aimee, Sherry and Doc: What kind compliments you sent my way! Thank you do much! I normally delete photos like this too but decided to play with it :o) Thank you Marty for the info. I tried the Orton Technique and here's what I came up with. I added a bit of saturation and USM. #3198711

Susana Ms Heide August 22, 2006

* #3198714

KHAWLA Haddad August 22, 2006

WOW Sasana what great work you did on these I love how you were able to save the shot wonderful work!! #3199156

Dennis Flanagan level-classic August 23, 2006

Good save! #3204237

Susana Ms Heide August 24, 2006

Thank you very much Kelly and Dennis! #3208558

Kenneth Mucke August 25, 2006

Beautifully done...I am a huge fan of barns and landscapes and this is perfect. #3215690

Susana Ms Heide August 25, 2006

Thank you so much Ken!! Glad you like it! #3215943

Roger Bernabo August 27, 2006

Stunning PS work Susana, this turned into an awesome image!! #3229330

Susana Ms Heide August 28, 2006

Thank you so much Roger! A compliment coming from such a talented photographer as yourself means a lot! #3233889

Janine Russell level-classic September 11, 2006

Susana, great colors, detail, lighting, composition and PS work. #3293488

Melissa G. Meiselman September 26, 2006

Susana, congratulations on this fantastic finalist!!! #3366082

Renee Doyle September 26, 2006

Big congratulations Susana on another wonderful finalist!!!!

Martin J. Preslar September 26, 2006

Congrats on the Finalist and good luck in the next round! Bravo!!!!! #3367498

Linda D. Lester level-classic September 26, 2006

Awesome work...thats why I say my bad ones for a while! Congratulations! #3367877

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 26, 2006

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist. Love the effect. Good luck in the next round. #3368185

Sherry Stricklin Boles level-classic September 27, 2006

Another Congratulations, Susana! :) #3370161

Kara L. Hendricks September 27, 2006

Well, this was certainly worth the effort.... Congrats!!! #3370934

Kenneth Mucke September 27, 2006

Superb finalist Susana..congrats #3372272

Rakesh Syal level-classic September 27, 2006

Congratulations, Susana! #3372965

Susana Ms Heide September 27, 2006

Janine, Melissa, Renee, Marty, Linda, Kay, Sherry, Kara, Kenneth and Rakesh: Thank you so much for the kind words!!!! #3372983

Claudine Grove level-classic September 27, 2006

Congrats! Lovely image. #3373724

Tonya R. Boles September 27, 2006

Congrats Susana. #3373935

Debra Booth September 27, 2006

Excellent work, Susana, on this beautiful image! Congratulations! #3376426

Ross Throndson September 28, 2006

Wow, to say it turned out Great would be an understatement, Susana....BEAUTIFUL....Congratulations on this Outstanding Finalist!! :^) #3378474

Susana Ms Heide September 28, 2006

Thank you very much Claudine, Tonya, Debra and Ross for the congrats! Ross, I really appreciate your generous compliments!! #3379751

RC Fritz September 28, 2006

Excellent work, Susana! Congrats and good luck!! #3381832

Susana Ms Heide September 29, 2006

Thank you very much RC for taking the time to send me this message!! #3387802

Michelle R. Kovach October 06, 2006

Congrats on your newsletter feature! #3414521

Martin J. Preslar October 06, 2006

Congrats on the Digital Darkroom Feature in addition to your Finalist on thei great piece of work! :) #3414674

Sharon Day October 06, 2006

Awesome image and recovery work, Susana!!! Congratulations on it being the featured Photo in the Digital Darkroom Newsletter! #3414951

Susana Ms Heide October 06, 2006

Thank you Michelle and Marty!!! Being featured in the newsletter is a FIRST for me!! :o) #3414956

Susana Ms Heide October 06, 2006

We must have crossed in cyberspace Sharon!! Thanks for the compliments!!! I really appreciate it! #3415003

Cesar J. La Rosa October 06, 2006

Excellent work, Susana!!! You have not only saved an overexposed image, but helped it gain a new life!!! I was very happy to see this photo featured in the Digital Darkroom Newsletter!!! WTG!!! #3415218

Janine Russell level-classic October 06, 2006

Susana, congratulations on your finalist and Digital Darkroom feature; what a save from a badly exposed original; way to go. #3415369

Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 06, 2006

What a great image, I love the colors and comp. Great ps work, love it!! Congratulations on your finalist and digital darkroom feature! #3415793

Charles Haire October 06, 2006

Face the facts, this image does not have any thing to rave about. The image has been over done in Photoshop. It is totally bland. #3417451

Tracey R. Hart October 06, 2006

Wow! Susana, this is a beautiful work. Not sure what Charles is looking at but I agree with everyone else, wonderful work and finished product. Congrats on being in the newsletter. #3417484

Tonya R. Boles October 07, 2006

Well I love this shot, and the work you put into it...Congrats. #3419498

Susie Peek-Swint October 07, 2006

Excellent composition and great recovery work Susana ~ many congrats! #3420125

Larry Lawhead level-deluxe October 07, 2006

Hey Charles:
If you want to be part of the Better Photography community, you should get gallery (even just a free one) and post your work. As it is, you seem like just another in a long line of anti-Photoshop trolls. DOn't know if you're the same C.H. I found googling or not.... #3420302

Alisha L. Ekstrom October 07, 2006

WOW Susana!!! BIG congrats on being in the DD newsletter!!! THIS is an OUTSTANDING image! WOWZERS!!!! ;) #3420414

Kara L. Hendricks October 07, 2006

Congrats on your Finalist and DD feature Susana... I for one DO NOT agree with Charles or his position... You did place it in Digital Darkroom.. It is very fitting there, A catagory designed to showcase PS skills... You have outdone yourself with this salvage job... Frankly, I think Charles might just be a little jealous..?..:) I know I

Susana Ms Heide October 07, 2006

Charles, your derrogatory comments do not bother me. You are entitled to your own opinion. Photography is simply evolving and reaching new heights with digital technology. I respect and look up to many great photographers who have mastered film and exposure. I also admire photographers who create masterpieces combining their photography and digital darkroom skills.

Cesar, Janine, Donna, Tracey, Tonya, Susie, Larry, Alisha and Kara: Once again the sense of community here at BP is very evident! Your kind words, support and encouragement are truly appreciated!!! Thanks so much!! #3420903

Charles Haire October 07, 2006

My comments are based on 40 years plus of photography experience. I learned using large format 4 X 5 to 8 X 10 view cameras among others. I attended the Famous Photographers School and advanced photography in the US Air Force. I owned and operated a commercial photography studio. I thank this qualifies me to judge an image. If you can't take criticism you will never make it in photography. Photoshop is great for enhancing an image, but first an image must be able to stand alone. #3421021

Kara L. Hendricks October 08, 2006

Ok, now I will comment on the photography aspect of this.. Apart from it being over-exposed, I really like your composition.. Perfect amount of sky/foreground,, I love the way the Grass leads you right into the subject matter, and the way you got DOWN on the shot... Really adds impact, then of course r03's is applied well... So, I think it was well taken... APART from the PS.
I am not a confrontational person, but Charles, there are plenty of judges at BP.. No more are needed... :)
The members try hard to support one another.. We do critique, but usually try to do it through email, a more respectful way to handle it in my oinion.. What you have done here is not critique, but to slam the image in an unthoughtful way. :( I think this was a brilliant display of PS skills and that is why it made finalist in Digital Darkroom. #3421869

Larry Lawhead level-deluxe October 08, 2006

Hey Charles, your credentials seem impressive, I'm presuming I did find your work with my simple google. If so, your photography is excellent.

However, I still find issue with your comments here. If your point was to provide "constructive critisism", you failed. If your point was simply to insult (as it seems to have been), it's not keeping with the spirit of community espoused by Better Photography.

Charles, don't just be a troll, hanging out on the fringes and throwing mud at Digital Darkroom images. Try and use your wealth of expeerience and expertiese to give back, to help people improve. You should be passionate about spreading the joy of photography, not just bitterly trolling arond as yet another "photoshop troll".

Either be part of the community, or don't. #3421946

Crystal M. Gove October 08, 2006

I totally agree with Larry here. What is the point of leaving a comment that tries to make someone else feel bad about their finalist? Did it make you feel good to insult someone else? Did you even take a moment to think about the category "digital darkroom?" That category obviously means that a photo was greatly manipulated in some kind of program like photoshop. I'm very happy for you that you have so much experience, but leaving all of that info here after such a comment didn't impress me. It just made me feel like your arrogance has gotten in the way of you understanding the category of "digital darkroom." I feel that on such a fun website as betterphoto, if you don't agree with a finalist or don't like a photo, just move on. Don't leave mean comments because this obviously NOT a website that is only for professional photographers. A lot of us don't have any experience in photography and have a gallery here for FUN. For FUN, do you understand that concept?

CONGRATS, Susana!!! Don't let this person make you feel bad about getting a finalist. I feel bad for people that don't have anything better to do with their time but to insult other people. #3422650

Jessica McCollam October 08, 2006

Susana, this is a gorgeous photo, and a fantastic save!! I agree with the judges!! It deserves to be a finalist in my opinion!:) Way to go!:) #3424602

Susana Ms Heide October 09, 2006

Charles, there are many of us that would really appreciate honest, respectful and constructive critique from the pros. I am the first to say that I have a long way to go in my journey in photography. But your spiteful and childish way of "critiquing" won't get anybody to take you seriously much less benefit from anything you have to say. By the way, the vast majority of my images are NOT digitally manipulated other than minor enhancements.

I believe you harbor a lot of bitterness in you and I'm not just speaking about photography.

Kara, Larry Crystal and Jessica thank you kindly for voicing your opinions and for your support!! #3426697

Lindley Johnson level-classic October 14, 2006

Love the PS work you did, Susana! I'm glad you included the original, too. Congratulations for your finalist and for being featured in the digital darkroom newsletter. I like it! #3448702

Susana Ms Heide October 14, 2006

Thanks so much Lindley for your kind words!! #3450651

Evy Johansen level-classic November 11, 2006

Wow... I missed this beauty!! Wonderful image, Susana!! Big congratulations on your most deserved finalist and POTD!! #3572675

Susie Peek-Swint November 11, 2006

Many congrats again on your POTD award ~ well done Susana! #3572715

Brian Lobdell November 11, 2006

Congrats Susana! The bold colors and contrasts make a striking POTD. Kudos! #3572725

Sylvia Rossler November 11, 2006

Big congrats on your POTD Susana :O) #3572742

Kara L. Hendricks November 11, 2006

A HUGE congratulations once again Susana!!! #3572761

Renee Doyle November 11, 2006

This is so fantastic Susana!!!!!
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful and well deserved POTD!

After reading this thread it is even more so deserved .... I am soooooo pleased the real judges are giving you the recognition this wonderful work deserves!!!!!

Paul Michko November 11, 2006

Congratulation on a terrific POTD, Susana. #3572911

Milan Banik November 11, 2006

Susana Congratulation on this beautiful POTD.SO HAPPY TO SEE THIS HERE. #3573020

Linda D. Lester level-classic November 11, 2006

Congratulations on this beauty! #3573058

Megan p November 11, 2006

This is stunning!!! Congratulations on your POTD and your Finalist! #3573098

Mary Clarke November 11, 2006

Congratulations on POTD Susana, you've created a lovely image #3573130

Amy JACKSON November 11, 2006

Wonderful image, Susana! Congratulations on POTD and your finalist! #3573131

Tonya R. Boles November 11, 2006

Congrats.. #3573178

Joy Rector November 11, 2006

congrats on the POTD #3573265

Laura Clay-Ballard November 11, 2006

awesome bright colors. congrats! #3573320

Lindley Johnson level-classic November 11, 2006

Congratulations on your wonderful POTD - I still love it! #3573590

Cesar J. La Rosa November 11, 2006

Wow, Susana!!! Congratulations again!!! This is a wonderful example of what we can do at present if we keep up with technology and learn to master the art of digital manipulation. Your Finalist, DD and now this very well-deserved POTD prove that the judges at BP recognize the work of a great photographer who knows how to take advantage of what now is available to us. IMHO, this photograph was outstandingly composed from the very beginning and you did a wonderful job to "save" it because it was good and you knew it. In Digital Photography we only "save" what we believe deserves to be saved, and being able to recognize this is already what makes a photographer a good photographer. I am happy to come to your gallery again to say once more, Congratulations on this great work, my friend!!! #3573655

Ellery Samuels November 11, 2006

You really did a great job. I wish I could master photoshop as you did.
I enjoy your work. It inspires me! #3573704

Linda Proctor November 11, 2006

Congratulations Susana!!! Wonderful finalist and POTD!! #3573716

Nan Fischer November 11, 2006

Wow! Great save! I love the colors, and the composition is wonderful. Congratulations on POTD! #3573799

Susana Ms Heide November 11, 2006

I am truly humbled and deeply touched not only by getting this recognition but also by the many wonderful comments and compliments you have given me!! It means a lot!! The BP community has shown so much support since the very beginnings of my photographic journey about 2 1/2 years ago. I have learned so much from all of you. Much of the credit of where I am today with my photography goes to YOU!! THANK YOU!! #3573802

Janine Russell level-classic November 11, 2006

Susana, congratulations on your POTD. #3573885

Jenny D November 11, 2006

Truely AMAZING work with this!! Congrats on your POTD! #3574024

Leonard Pierce November 11, 2006

Beautiful image Susana, excellent PS work!! Congratulations on your Finalist and POTD! #3574036

Dale Ann Cubbage November 11, 2006

Susanna, this is fabulous! I don't think the original was that bad, but WOW, what you came up with is fantastic! Great work, and many congrats on finalist & POTD!

da #3574169

Ivan Chacon November 11, 2006

Beautiful POTD Susana, congrats! :) #3574489

Donna La Mattino Pagakis November 11, 2006

Well this is well deserved Susana, a truly magical work of art, congrats on your potd win! #3574571

Michelle J. Harvey November 11, 2006

This is absolutely AWESOME Susana!!! Congrats!! #3574629

RC Fritz November 11, 2006

Congratulations on your fantastic POTD! #3574679

Sharon Day November 11, 2006

Congratulations again, Susana!!! WTG on snagging POTD! #3575088

Casey A. Hanson November 11, 2006

Really grat work, Susana! Congrats on your POTD! :0) #3575249

Deborah Sandidge November 11, 2006

Great save and PS work, Susana - congratulations on your outstanding POTD! #3575371

Guy D. Biechele level-classic November 11, 2006

Congratulations Susana, on your POTD! #3575790

Rich Collins November 11, 2006

Imagine how some of our mistakes become some of our most creative work. I just entered a Parrot Aglow in Special Effects Contest & it too was not a good exposure untl I played with gradients. PSCS2 is a vastly wonderful playground.

Congrats on your POTD & Winner. #3575823

Susana Ms Heide November 11, 2006

Janine, JD, Len, Dale Ann, Ivan, Donna, Michelle, RC, Sharon, Casey, Deborah, Guy and Rich: I enjoyed receiving every one of your messages! Thank you so much for taking the time!! #3575826

Dorothy Neumann November 12, 2006

Great save, Susana. Congrats on your POTD and winner! #3576166

Deanna L. Nichols November 12, 2006

Thanks for posting the original for comparison. I think it's an amazing job and would hope to be able to do as well.

Can I ask--how do you apply a warming filter in Photoshop? Is this something only available in CS? I have 7.0. #3577446

Rich Collins November 12, 2006

I'll give Charles his due respect for recognizing a photo as bland, if & only if one looks at the overexposed image.

Where you, Charles, have misinterpreted this file is in not recognizing that photography is not all about creating a few perfect images in one's lifetime, but for some of us in creating a better image from a fun or fine art perspective. I would give Susana much credit for accomplishing both. Her PS'd image is painted looking & pleasing to the eye. Unless you are considering purchasing this file, ease up, relax. It's actually gratifying for some of us to receive recognition for our work, our play if you will.

I'd bet you could join in, not immediately, but perhaps in a few months with a much brighter, more helpful tag. Gosh I wish I could get 10% of the encouragement Susana has, we all do. It just plain feels good.


Corinne M. Thompson November 12, 2006

Susanna, you are very talented not only in your capturing beautiful images but also with your PS work. Congrats on all the recognition this image has received, it's great to see the judges recognize your talent. #3578074

Dr Silly level-classic November 13, 2006

Congratulations Susana on your finalist and your POTD. Was Happy to see this again because it shows what you can do with a photo thats not at its best. :O)

Melody Molinaro November 14, 2006

Wow well you did a great job doing it. I love this photo! #3585724

Allan L. Dy November 14, 2006

Susana, this is wonderful! Congrats! : ) #3588017

Susana Ms Heide November 15, 2006

Sorry the reply to these messages is so late! I haven't had much computer time lately :o) Thank you so much Dorothy, Deanna, Rich, Corinne, Doc, Melody and Allan!!

Deanna, I believe the warming filter is available only in CS2 versions of PS and newer. It is under Adjustments and there are warming filters, cooling filters, as well as different color filters, which can all be adjusted for opacity. Wonderful tool :o)

Rich, thanks for your opinion and yes it does feel GREAT to have the encouragement of so many people at BP including the judges! #3592382

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