Uploaded: March 17, 2010
Shot this on Sanibel Island just before the sun went down on the beach. This male egret was frolicing with a female.
300mm prime lens on monopod.
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: -0.67, ExposureTime: 1/1000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 300.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Linda D. Lester
March 17, 2010
Jack Gaskin March 17, 2010 0
A great capture like the wind blown crown best ,water background is also fine.Happy shooting
Jack #8461778
Val Feldman
March 17, 2010
Daniella Puente March 17, 2010 0
Wow! Kathy this is precious... #8461918Lynne S. Fried March 17, 2010 0
What a pose...he looks as if he was waiting for you!Jane Hirst March 17, 2010 0
Awe.........very nice, love his flowing feathers and that crashing wave in the background. Great capture. #8462096
Judy V. Kennamer
March 18, 2010
JO ANN CLEVELAND March 20, 2010 0
Wowza Kathy! Winner in my book!So sad I won't be able to make the shoot with y'all, just can't be gone that husband has had a few health issues lately too...will be waiting to see all the great shots y'all make!
jo ann c. #8466997
Ken Smith
March 23, 2010
Shelly A. Van Camp
March 25, 2010
Dianna Murphy March 28, 2010 0
What a super capture. #8491097Karen Engelbreth April 05, 2010 0
Big congrats on your wonderful POTD, Kathy... #8510613Katarina Mansson April 05, 2010 0
Superb! Congratulations on your POTD! #8510730
Judy V. Kennamer
April 05, 2010
Bojan Bencic
April 05, 2010
Kathy Cline April 05, 2010 0
OMG What a surprise for me today. This shot was one of those freaky lucky clicks of the camera. This snowy egret just landed there to show off in front of a female. They are rarely in the ocean. I was getting ready for a sunset shot. Lucky for me. Thank you BP and all my wonderful BP friends and family.
Deborah Lewinson
April 05, 2010
Ujjwal Mukherjee April 05, 2010 0
Wonderful find and capture,Kathy!
Usman M. Bajwa
April 05, 2010
UB. #8510902
Courtenay Vanderbilt April 05, 2010 0
Congratulations, Kathy! What a beautiful image! #8510924Anita Hogue April 05, 2010 0
So gorgeous, Kathy! Congratulations on your POTD! #8510973Barbara Mason April 05, 2010 0
Congratulations Kathy - a beautiful image to open up on Easter Monday #8510986
Lisa J. Boulden
April 05, 2010
Dennis Behm April 05, 2010 0
Great capture! Congratulations on the POTD! #8511043
Linda D. Lester
April 05, 2010
Karen Celella April 05, 2010 0
Congratulations on your outstanding POTD Kathy!! #8511076Shawn Jennings April 05, 2010 0
Great capture, Kathy! Congratulations on your POTD! #8511080Robyn A. Terrell April 05, 2010 0
Beautiful capture. Congrats on your POTD! #8511118Patti Coblentz April 05, 2010 0
Gorgeous capture, Kathy!!! Congratulations!!Patti #8511124
Brenda K. Beatty April 05, 2010 0
beautiful photo...congrats on potd #8511150Lynne S. Fried April 05, 2010 0
Beautiful photo - congratulations on POTD #8511172Marilyn Cornwell April 05, 2010 0
Congratulations on POTD! Beautiful! #8511216Cheryl E. Molennor April 05, 2010 0
Gorgeous Kathy. Congratulations #8511222
Nancyj E. Hovey
April 05, 2010
Mary Beth Aiello
April 05, 2010
Jessica Jenney April 05, 2010 0
Congratulations, Kathy on your amazing POTD! #8511317
Nancy L. Green
April 05, 2010
Anthony L. Mancuso April 05, 2010 0
Beautiful Kathy..congrats on your POTD!! #8511365
Sheri Camarda
April 05, 2010
Christine Pentecost April 05, 2010 0
This is really a great photo! Congrats on your POTD! #8511514Dianna Murphy April 05, 2010 0
So glad to see this perfect POTD. #8511539Rona L. Schwarz April 05, 2010 0
Sensational capture of this egret, Kathy! Amazing detail and motion in the egret as well as the ocean. Wonderful work! CONGRATULATIONS on a superb POTD! #8511812Joy Rector April 05, 2010 0
congrats on the POTD #8511868
Erica Murphy
April 05, 2010
JO ANN CLEVELAND April 05, 2010 0
I hope this is a winner too, great POTD!!jo ann c. #8511950
Jean E. Hildebrant April 05, 2010 0
Beautiful! The ocean, the breeze in his "hair" and the beautiful blues all make this a wonderful image, Kathy! :) #8511988Bunny Snow April 05, 2010 0
For whatever reason, it pays to be in the right place at the right time to seize the moment. You were ready and God blessed you with a beautiful capture. I agree with Jean, I love it with the ocean breeze in his feathers and the beautiful blues make the mood.Congratulations, Kathy on your capture and your POTD! #8512104
Guy D. Biechele
April 05, 2010
Melissa Olsen April 05, 2010 0
Congrats on this fantastic POTD.Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 05, 2010 0
Right on Kathy! I'm pleased to see your excellent wildlife POTD. Congratulations!!! #8512282Renee Doyle April 05, 2010 0
Big congratulations on this excellent POTD Kathy!! #8512396
Jeff Robinson
April 05, 2010
Summer A. Kozisek April 06, 2010 0
Gorgeous capture with great details! Congrats on your POTD! #8513074
Carol Eade
April 06, 2010
Cindy Bendush
April 06, 2010
Mary K. Robison April 06, 2010 0
Belated Congratulations on your lovely POTD, Kathy! #8513464Kathleen Rinker April 06, 2010 0
Wow gorgeous image, huge congrats on your POTD!! #8515353
Ken Smith
April 07, 2010
Denny E. Barnes
April 07, 2010
Jean-Pierre Ducondi April 07, 2010 0
Congratulations Kathy. Very well done.Cathy Barrows April 07, 2010 0
Congrats on your POTD...i do love it and really enjoyed meeting you and loved all the places you took us #8517662Richard D. Love April 08, 2010 0
Congratulations, Kathy. Beautiful capture. Well done.Rick #8519420
Debra R. Harder April 08, 2010 0
WTG, Kathy!! I just LOVE this image!! Huge congratulations on your BEAUTIFUL POTD!!! WHOOO-HOOOO!! Deb #8519985
Leland N. Saunders
April 10, 2010
Lee #8523682
Nancy (Peaches) Harker April 15, 2010 0
AWSOME and BEAUTIFUL capture, So pretty!!!Julianne Bradford April 18, 2010 0
Just beautiful! Congratulations on this exceptional POTD! Thanks so much for the pleasure of your company and the new friendship Kathy! #8543677Renee Doyle April 19, 2010 0
Congratulations to you once more on this beauty Kathy!! #8544985Cathy Barrows April 19, 2010 0
Congrats on your finalist...simply fabulous #8545273Rona L. Schwarz April 19, 2010 0
Congratulations on this wonderful egret Finalist, Kathy! It is such a spectacular capture! Good luck in the next round! #8545779
Sherran Andersen
April 19, 2010
Summer A. Kozisek April 19, 2010 0
Congratulations on your finalist Kathy! #8546376
Bojan Bencic
April 19, 2010
Courtenay Vanderbilt April 19, 2010 0
Big Congratulations again, Kathy! #8547493Boyd L. Alexander April 19, 2010 0
CONGRATULATIONS...on your wonderful Finalist Kathy! Good luck in the next round!! #8548001Linda Blair April 19, 2010 0
Awesome capture...congratulations!!!!!!! #8549233
Carol Eade
April 19, 2010
Jill Odice
April 19, 2010
Guy D. Biechele
April 19, 2010
Jeff Robinson
April 19, 2010
Judy V. Kennamer
April 20, 2010
Debra R. Harder April 21, 2010 0
This is one of my favorites, Kathy! I absolutely LOVE this!! Congratulations on your outstanding finalist!! Deb #8558580
Erica Murphy
April 23, 2010
Dick Jenkins September 17, 2010 0
So many wonderful images Kathy. I love the wind-blown look of this Great Egret at Sanibel. I also like the effects of the wave behind him. Very nice work in fairly low light conditions. Congratulations on your Finalist award, it comes well deserved. #8912103Jean E. Hildebrant March 26, 2011 0
This is a stunning shot, Kathy! Love the white feathers blowing in the breeze and the foam of the wave......perfect timing! #9318113Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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