© Denise Denomy


Uploaded: March 14, 2010


Exif: F Number: 3.2, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/50 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, FocalLength: 19.30 mm, Model: KODAK EASYSHARE Z1012 IS Digital Camera


Nikki McDonald level-classic April 01, 2010 0

What an amazing position and composition, Denise -- I love the way this contortionist cat fills the frame! Beautiful detail, too. Spotted this in Editor's Picks. Congratulations. #1254336

Denise Denomy April 02, 2010 0

Thank you for the kind words, Nikki! :0) #8503834

Mary K. Robison April 08, 2010 0

Congratulations on your POTD, Denise!
Wonderful composition and clarity! #8518812

Carlton Ward level-classic April 08, 2010 0

Fantastic Denise :) #8518962

Nikki McDonald level-classic April 08, 2010 0

Well what do you know about that! Way to go, Denise. Congratulations on the POTD, Denise. #8519043

Linda D. Lester level-classic April 08, 2010 0

This is just too cute....Congratulations on your POTD!! #8519095

Katarina Mansson April 08, 2010 0

Wonderful creative and special cat picture; congratulations on your POTD! #8519112

Joy Rector April 08, 2010 0

congrats on the POTD #8519118

Leslie McLain level-classic April 08, 2010 0

What a cute capture. Congrats on your POTD. #8519171

Cheryl Schneider April 08, 2010 0

All cat owners recognize that pose. What a great idea. Congratulations! #8519201

Christine Lobsinger level-classic April 08, 2010 0

Hi Denise, this is so adorable... and look at that detailed fur!!! Amazing 'tack on' sharpness... beautiful..

SMILING #8519238

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic April 08, 2010 0

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #8519293

JO ANN CLEVELAND April 08, 2010 0

Congrats Denise!

Such great colors and were in the right place at the right time!

I immediately thought, "gee mom, do I have to get up this early!!!" or...."not tonight darlin', I've got a headache!" lol

Hope we see this again #8519335

Kimber Wallwork-Heineman level-classic April 08, 2010 0

Too cute!! Love it #8519545

Nancy L. Green level-classic April 08, 2010 0

This is OUTSTANDING Denise, congratulations on this wonderful POTD!!!! <>< #8519575

Daniella Puente April 08, 2010 0

Congrats! love it :))) #8519590

Denise Denomy April 08, 2010 0

WOW! What a great surprise! :0)

Thank you all for the wonderful comments! The BP community is the best!

I am humbled by this honor. #8519704

Carol Flisak level-classic April 08, 2010 0

Congratulations on the POTD, Denise! Love the familiar pose... have seen our fur babies is similar contortions. Great capture, details and comp. Well done! #8519721

Denise Denomy April 08, 2010 0

Thank you Carol! :0) #8519745

Christine Zipps level-classic April 08, 2010 0

SO proud and pleased and happy for this well deserved award, Denise --

Please bask in the glow - you have so earned it!

Maybe extra tuna for kitty? :-)


ls #8519767

Denise Denomy April 08, 2010 0

Thanks so very much LS! :0)
Luv ya!
BS #8519773

Dianna Murphy April 08, 2010 0

Congratulations on your POTD. Very cute image. #8519832

Rona L. Schwarz April 08, 2010 0

Ahhh...How often have I seen that pose from my cats...and never thought to grab my camera!! CONGRATULATIONS on a wonderful POTD - both for the creativity and the execution - the detail and composition are superb! #8519966

Sheri Camarda level-deluxe April 08, 2010 0

My goodness, what is comfort to one.....Beautiful cat and great capture. Congratulations!!! #8520020

Toni Riggs April 08, 2010 0

CUTE! Congrats! #8520184

Maria Coulson April 08, 2010 0

I love it! Congratulations. #8520319

Denise Denomy April 08, 2010 0

Thank you all for the kind words! :0) #8520387

Denny E. Barnes level-classic April 08, 2010 0

Love it, Denise! Beautiful capture of this cat lost in it's dreams! Excellent color, detail, clarity, light and your POV and composition are outstanding!!
Congratulations on a well deserved POTD!! #8520685

Amy M. Wilson April 09, 2010 0

Fantastic kitty and capture... big congratulations on your adorable POTD, Denise!! #8520932

Evy Johansen level-classic April 09, 2010 0

Adorable capture, Denise! Congratulations on your POTD! #8521128

Denise Denomy April 09, 2010 0

Thank you Denny, Amy & Evy! :0) #8521254

Richard D. Love April 09, 2010 0

Congratulations, Denise. Wonderful comp and details. Well done.

Rick #8521833

Denise Denomy April 09, 2010 0

Thank you Rick! :0) #8522161

KIM A. RINCONES April 10, 2010 0

Denise, this picture is adorable. How you were able to get that close w/o the cat moving is amazing. And I love how it fills the whole picture. #8524174

Denise Denomy April 10, 2010 0

Thank you Kim! :0)
The animals in this house are used to mommy w/camera... also, no flash--just sunlight through the windows. #8524523

Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 12, 2010 0

Such a darling POTD Denise, congratulations! #8527434

Denise Denomy April 12, 2010 0

Thank you Donna! :0) #8527730

Lori Carlson April 13, 2012 0

Love all this sweetness framed in this image!! Congrats on all your recognition, Donna!! =) #10089296

Denise Denomy April 17, 2012 0

Thank you, Lori! :0)
btw my name is Denise. :0) #10095176

Lori Carlson April 17, 2012 0

Geeezzz, sorry =( Can I blame it on the cuteness overload of this shot making me not be able to think clearly! ;) #10095237

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