
© Ahmed Al-Toqi


Uploaded: March 09, 2010


f/22, 1/125 sec, EF 17-40, Ras Rwais,Oman

Exif: F Number: 22, Exposure Bias Value: -1.33, ExposureTime: 1/160 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 125, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 17.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D


Michelle D. Allen March 09, 2010 0

This is a stunning image, Ahmed. The silouhette of the fishermen really stands out against the midtones of the image. Beautiful comp, too! Congratulations. #1246547

Michelle Alton March 09, 2010 0

Somehow I feel like I'm having some sort of religious experience when I view this image. The long shadow of the man with his staff, coupled with the silhouette where the staff has a sunburst at its end...

Wow! Absolutely amazing. #8441863

Tess L. Yee March 09, 2010 0

Superb use of light, and wonderful tone and comp, Ahmed. #8442590

Nick Lagos March 16, 2010 0

A quality image Ahmed....has to be a contender...good luck #8458660

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic April 19, 2010 0

Wonderful portrait, Ahmed. CONGRATZ. on the Finalist Award!! Hope to see this again!

UB. #8546894

Rolando Rosito April 19, 2010 0

Wonderful finalist Ahmed! Congratulations #8550468

April 19, 2010 0

Beautiful silhouettes. #8550520

Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 19, 2010 0

Congratulations on your finalist! Very dramatic Ahmed! #8550535

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic April 21, 2010 0

WTG. CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful Second Place Gold, Ahmed.

UB. #8557002

Rosemary Sampson level-classic April 29, 2010 0

Wonderful image. It tells such a story. You have captured it well. #8576800

Chris Budny level-deluxe May 06, 2010 0

Fantastic image, Ahmed! #8591741

Katarina Mansson May 06, 2010 0

Outstanding image! Love the diagonal created by the shadow and man, the tones, light, details and silhouette. Congratulations on being featured and on getting a golden badge! #8592001

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