Spring on the Range

© Becky J. Parkinson

Spring on the Range

Uploaded: March 03, 2010


Sheila D. Robertson March 04, 2010 0

I love the long shadows in this and the barrel is "beautiful". #1244985

Thomas E. Hinds March 07, 2010 0

Just like Sheila, I really like those shadows and the color of the barrel is eye-catching! Nice work, Becky! #8436614

Sheila D. Robertson April 19, 2010 0

Congratulations! #8543790

Thomas E. Hinds April 19, 2010 0

Awesome Finalist, Becky! #8543890

Jeana Clark April 19, 2010 0

Stunning shot AGAIN Becky!!!
Congratulations on this fabulous finalist!!!

~J~ #8544894

Becky J. Parkinson level-classic April 19, 2010 0

Thank you for commenting and congratulations to you and YOUR finalists!!! #8545722

Courtenay Vanderbilt April 20, 2010 0

Another beauty, Becky! Big Congratulations! #8552730

Debra R. Harder April 21, 2010 0

Yep...another beauty for sure, Becky! I love your POV and lighting. Superb! Congratulations on another magnificent finalist! Deb #8558900

Linda D. Lester level-classic April 28, 2010 0

Beautiful....congrats on your POTD and your finalist!!!! #8575235

Joy Rector April 28, 2010 0

congrats on the POTD #8575315

Eivor Kuchta April 28, 2010 0

Wonderful light! Congratulations on the POTD! #8575400

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic April 28, 2010 0

Beautiful light and perspective, Becky. Huge congrats on your finalist -- and POTD. #8575496

Katarina Mansson April 28, 2010 0

Love the mood and colors here; excellent capture! Congratulations on your POTD! #8575562

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna April 28, 2010 0

WTG on this incredible POTD, Becky!!! :-) k #8575612

Richard M. Waas April 28, 2010 0

Congrats on your POTD. Beautiful Golden light.... #8575673

Dianna Murphy April 28, 2010 0

Congratulations on your Wonderful POTD! #8575712

Sheila D. Robertson April 28, 2010 0

Congratulations again. #8575777

Debra R. Harder April 28, 2010 0

WTG, Becky! Huge CONGRATULATIONS on your fabulous POTD!! Deb #8575784

Rona L. Schwarz April 28, 2010 0

Gorgeous light and shadows, Becky! Stunningly simple and evocative composition. CONGRATULATIONS on your POTD (and belated) for your Finalist! #8575909

Becky J. Parkinson level-classic April 28, 2010 0

Thank you all for the very kind comments!! #8575953

Bill Houghton April 28, 2010 0

Becky, This is really beautiful. Great job. Congratulations on your POTD. Have a wonderful day, Bill #8576081

Renee Doyle April 28, 2010 0

Beautiful lighting!!! Congrats on your POTD Becky .... and belated congrats on your finalist :-)

Nikki McDonald level-classic April 28, 2010 0

Love the lines, light, shadows, colors and textures, Becky. Congratulations on the finalist and POTD. #8576486

Louie Zaninovich April 28, 2010 0

Great comp. & congrats on POTD! I Love your landscapes in your gallery. Your images have depth, clarity, beautiful colors & tones...great job! Louie #8576496

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 28, 2010 0

Congrats Becky on your Outstanding Finalist and POTD!! Jeff #8576522

Lindley Johnson level-classic April 28, 2010 0

I love the golden light and long shadows in this wonderful image. Congratulations on your excellent POTD (and finalist) Becky! #8576545

anonymous April 29, 2010 0

I love the warmth of this image. Great shot and congrats on the awards. #8577167

Patti Coblentz April 29, 2010 0

Love the long shadow lines and warm tones...great POV! Congratulations, Becky!!

Patti #8577170

Tommy E. Burgess April 29, 2010 0

Huge congratulations on your beautiful and well deserved POTD Becky!! Outstanding work as always! #8577365

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic April 29, 2010 0

CONGRATZ. on the splendid capture and POTD Award, Becky!

UB. #8577430

Becky J. Parkinson level-classic April 29, 2010 0

Thank you for taking time to write and for the thoughtful support and comments! #8577931

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic April 30, 2010 0

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #8580067

Richard D. Love May 01, 2010 0

Oh, Becky. This is gorgeous. Outstanding light and colors. Congratulations.

Rick #8582431

Marisol Pastor level-classic June 16, 2010 0

Excellent composition, lght and leading lines. Congratulations on the finalist + POTD! #8698870

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest FinalistPhotography Contest Photo of the Day

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