Uploaded: January 16, 2010
POTD 15th March 2010.
Picture was taken in the Sihlcity shopping mall outside Zürich, Switzerland.
Canon 10-22 mm lens, handheld. Raw conversion and postprocessing in Bridge and CS3.
Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.67, ExposureTime: 1/13 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 10.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 30D
Joy Rector January 16, 2010 0
great comp, lines and shapes #1227635Rick Clark January 16, 2010 0
Beautiful composition, love the title too! #8301465
Loan Tran
January 16, 2010
Leslie McLain
January 17, 2010
Teri Klinger January 18, 2010 0
cool image...and great title! Ü #8304611Kerry Hill January 20, 2010 0
Wonderful colours and designs Katarina, great job! #8316040Susie Peek-Swint April 15, 2010 0
Well seen and captured Katarina ~ many congrats on POTD! #8536095
Dr Silly
April 15, 2010
William C. Raco
April 15, 2010
Renee Doyle April 15, 2010 0
Congratulations on this well deserved POTD Katarina!! #8536198Michelle Alton April 15, 2010 0
Fantastic POTD selection. Congratulations, Katarina! #8536228
Dominick M. Dimacale
April 15, 2010
Dominick #8536232
Usman M. Bajwa
April 15, 2010
UB. #8536237
Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 15, 2010 0
You sure have a gift Katarina. This is amazing.A huge congratulations on your POTD! #8536238
Nikki McDonald
April 15, 2010
Patti Coblentz April 15, 2010 0
Congratulations on your POTD, Kattarina!!Patti #8536293
Joy Rector April 15, 2010 0
congrats on the POTD #8536367Mary K. Robison April 15, 2010 0
Marvelous capture, Katarina.Anna Diederich April 15, 2010 0
Congrats on your POTD! #8536385Teri Klinger April 15, 2010 0
yay! congrats Katarina!!! #8536391David Phalen April 15, 2010 0
BIG Congrats on a spectacular POTD!! #8536454
Melinda F. Schneider
April 15, 2010
Karen Engelbreth April 15, 2010 0
Big congrats on your POTD, Katarina.. #8536567
Les Rhoades
April 15, 2010
Les #8536578
Kara L. Hendricks April 15, 2010 0
HUGE congratulations on your POTD! Katarina!! Amazing! #8536620Brenda K. Beatty April 15, 2010 0
This is cool...congrats on POTD #8536645Cathy Barrows April 15, 2010 0
Congrats on your POTD...love it #8536649Sandeep Mittal April 15, 2010 0
Looks like a painting! Perfect! Congratulations. #8536655Bunny Snow April 15, 2010 0
Great title, color and tonality, clarity, design, shapes, and composition, Katarina. You have a wonderful for eye for composition, shapes, and letters.Congratulations on your POTD #8536659
James Kirk April 15, 2010 0
WOW!!!! this is a cool shot. Angles, flowing curves, overall contrast, great color contrast, repeating patterns. WOW!!! There are so many lines to follow and they all keep you inside. The curves have an overall line, lower left to upper right, the dark steps take you in the same direction and those patterns in the window at the top are an intereting diversion along the way. Very cool. I tried to find something that would improve it... Not sure there is anything. #8536668Nancy J. Locke April 15, 2010 0
Pleased to meet you through your POTD, Katarina. My granddaughter is living in Switzerland. :D
Regards, Nancy J Locke
Datha Y. Thompson April 15, 2010 0
CONGRATULATIONS Katarina!! Excellent POTD :) #8536770
Nancy L. Green
April 15, 2010
Rita Hill
April 15, 2010
Chuck Bruton
April 15, 2010
Jean E. Hildebrant April 15, 2010 0
Fantastic shot, Katarina! Love the gold and black together and the contrast of curves and straight lines. Great eye! :)
Sheri Camarda
April 15, 2010
Susana Ms Heide April 15, 2010 0
Katarina, I think you must hold the record at BP for POTDs :o))) And deservedly so!!!! Your amazing eye and talent for composition are REMARKABLE!!! CONGRATS!! #8536886Paul Goodman April 15, 2010 0
Congrats on POTD!! wonderful image! Love the lines and Lighting! Great comp! #8536946Karen E. Baumann April 15, 2010 0
Love the graphic way this is presented! Congratulations on your POTD! #8536969
Mitch Spence
April 15, 2010
Guy D. Biechele
April 15, 2010
Stanley C. Sims April 15, 2010 0
Great title, light, and composition Katarina. Good eye. Congratulations on the PODT. #8537249Amanda D. Meberg April 15, 2010 0
Great lines and composition!! Congrats on your POTD!! #8537271
Stefania Barbier
April 15, 2010
Jeff Robinson
April 15, 2010
JO ANN CLEVELAND April 15, 2010 0
Congrats Katarina!Awesome EOD, love the colors too
jo ann c. #8537691
Leslie McLain
April 16, 2010
Cesar J. La Rosa April 16, 2010 0
Katarina, I'm so happy to see this beautiful photograph as the POTD. Congratulations on this very well-deserved recognition!!!Michael Umbreit April 16, 2010 0
Katarina - Congratulations on your POTD!! Great shot! - Mike #8538220Debra R. Harder April 16, 2010 0
This is such an AWESOME image, Katarina! Congratulations on your brilliant POTD!! Deb #8538269
Nancyj E. Hovey
April 18, 2010
Richard D. Love April 19, 2010 0
Congratulations, Katarina. Beautiful architectural image with wonderful shapes, lines, and colors. Well done.Rick #8548415
Dianna Murphy April 20, 2010 0
Congratulations on your wonderful POTD!!! #8554123Anne McKinnell April 24, 2010 0
You are really a master at these types of architectural interiors. Congratulations on your stunning POTD!! #8566679Maria Morrow September 18, 2010 0
Wow! #8915606Cesar J. La Rosa January 15, 2011 0
I just LOVE the way you SEE things, Katarina!!! BEAUTIFUL in every way!!!Karen Slagle January 25, 2011 0
This is incredible and you always seem to find the unique. Your gallery is a delight. Thank you for your comments on my image. #9191470Jean E. Hildebrant March 12, 2011 0
You always have such a good eye for EOD images, Katta!! Perfect title too, first thing that came to my mind when I saw the thumnail was "M" :) #9287279Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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