
© john forrant


Uploaded: October 07, 2009


Mark Dodge March 30, 2010 0

Very creative, John. I really like this composition. It took some studying to catch on. Very clever work and a wonderful application of Fractalius. #1253402

john forrant level-classic March 30, 2010 0

Thanks Mark, I had forgotten about this shot. It actually only had one bottle to start with. I was practicing with clone tool and then got trial of the Fract filter. So I applied it here. #8495879

Carla Capra Anderson April 21, 2010 0

Good Day John,
This is a very artistic image.
I am unfamiliar with the photoshop application but, this image is very creative and fun.
Congrats on being featured in BetterPhoto's, Digital Darkroom Issue #85!
Have a Happy Day,
Carla #8558345

john forrant level-classic April 21, 2010 0

Thanks you. It was fun to create it, As I said it was origianally a bench with one beer bottle. cloned in two more and the applied the filter. Oh, and I had blurred the BG before doing this. The bench looks out onto the ocean. #8558364

Christine Lobsinger level-classic April 21, 2010 0

Hi John, boy it took me a min. to see the bench..LOL.. I found it!! Cool Shot.. and excellent work!! It amazes me what peeps can do in PS.. I love this!! I don't dabble at all.. maybe one day!
COngraTs to you on making this wonderful creation into D D #85!!


Dianna Murphy April 22, 2010 0

Congratulations on your feature in this weeks Digital Darkroom! #8561632

Anne McKinnell April 24, 2010 0

Great use of frac John! Congratulations on your feature in digital darkroom!! #8566675

john forrant level-classic April 24, 2010 0

Thank you Christine, Dianna and, Anne. This is the second photo I have had in DD. Both came as quite a surprise #8566683

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